𝗕𝗶𝗴 𝗻𝗲𝘄𝘀

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— Y/n —

Richie grabbed my hand and took me to a different room. He opened the door and a foul stench hit me. "Ew, Richie what-" he pulled me inside and shut the door.

"Look, this is us on Earth." Three large window-like portals appeared, startling me. "You're in all of our lives..." he whispered.

I looked at one, seeing one of the three on stage with a guitar. "I think Finn got lucky. He's super famous in his world... An actor and a singer and everything." I nodded and Richie swiped through the screen.

On the screen, there was now Finn and I running towards each other. "No way..." I whispered. "Yeah... It was weird for us at first too." He pulled me to the next window.

"Welcome to my shitty life. I live in this tiny town called Derry and my friends and I are being tormented by a killer clown. Pretty fucked up. The leader of our friend group got us involved when his little brother got eaten."

My eyes winded and I nodded. "Yeah, so here you are... That's Beverly, you guys are best friends." I looked at the redhead, her sweet smile making me grin. "She seems nice..." Richie nodded, "She killed her dad but it's okay because he was abusive."

Richie pulled me to the last window where he showed me, Miles. "Miles got a pretty shitty life but like at the same time it's not shitty. His parents died and he's being haunted by his old... Well, his name is Quint and he's a total asshole. Anyways, he's super fucking rich."

I watched Miles set a flower crown on my head before leaning in to kiss me. "Wow..." I whispered in awe. Richie nodded and I moved back over to his window.

Richie and a group of kids were standing at the edge of a quarry in their underwear. The Beverly girl and I rode up on our bikes, making the boys turn.

Richie smiled and turned back around. I watched myself get off my bike and pulled my dress over my head.

I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I moved over to Finn's window and noticed how it was back to the concert. I watched as he looked back at another boy with curly hair.

They talked for a moment before Finn strummed the bass and turned back to the microphone. Richie wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head and sighed. "What happens when they die?" I asked. Richie shrugged, "A new version of us is born. In a whole new universe." I nodded and watched Finn perform for another moment.

"Okay, come on I want to-"

"Finn, Richard, Miles!" Richie was suddenly gone, making me turn. I looked around before opening the door. I inhaled the fresh air, filling my lungs with clean oxygen.

"Hey, that's bullshit! Miles didn't serve his full-" "Shut up Richard." I walked towards the voices. "We have bad news. Some angels have decided to declare war so I need two of you to get your asses out there and not get yourselves killed."

I leaned against the wall and continued to listen. I looked over and saw Butler also listening. He put a finger up to his lips and I nodded.

"What about the ball?"

"Well, it's canceled."

𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now