𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲

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— Y/n

Miles kept his hand over my eyes as he led me in all different directions. I swear there was a point where we were upside.

"Okay... Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he took his hand off my eyes. I smiled and looked at the area. "Wow... Miles this is stunning."

He kissed my cheek and snapped Miles was suddenly wearing a vintage outfit. I smiled and looked down at myself, I was wearing a dress that looked like it was from the 50s.

We sat down and he pulled out some burgers. "What's with this oldies theme?" I asked. "Just something I've dreamed about." He murmured as he handed me some food.

"So, I guess we should get to know each other the normal way." Miles laid on his side, laying his head on his palm.

"So, what's your favorite color?" He asked. "Y/f/c." I easily said, taking a bite of my burger. I chewed for a moment before swallowing and asking him the same question.

"Red or black." Miles grabbed a fry and slipped it into his mouth. We peacefully ate for a moment, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

We can just talk like this if you want.

I looked up at Miles who immediately blushed and looked away.

I wasn't reading your thoughts! We're just both really invested in our food.

I shrugged and nodded.

Cool... Do you like dogs? Miles continued.

I nodded and grabbed some fries from him.

Me too. Cerberus is way better than any other animal. He's been with us since we were babies.

Oh god, that must've been an eternity ago, I thought to myself.

Okay well, it wasn't that long ago. Miles defended. I laughed and shook my head.

Why is he still a puppy? I asked, curious to know more about the cute three-headed dog.

He's a mythical breed. He ages slower than mortal dogs.

I nodded and laid back.

What are other cool tricks you can do? I thought, glancing over at him.

He took a bite of his burger and squinted in thought.

I can kill anyone I want as many times as I want. Finn, Richie, and I love torturing people like Hitler and the guy who assassinated MLK Jr. I can also mortalize myself but if I die I have to wait a long time to have the energy to do it again... I can assign ghosts to haunt people, send demons to possess dolls and shit, and sometimes we send lazy ass hell-dwellers up to fuck with angels.

I nodded and finished my burger. I grabbed Miles's fries and pulled them closer to me.

I can also shapeshift into Richie and Finn.

My eyes widened and I sat up. "Show me!" He smiled and nodded. Miles snapped and he was wearing Richie's outfit.

He snapped again and was wearing Finn's outfit. My smile faded and I crossed my arms.

"That's so bullshit. You guys are identical twins, I should've realized you just had to change your outfit."

Miles giggled and snapped, making his normal clothes reappear on his body.

"Oh yeah, we also like to fuck with Kanye and make him think he hears god and shit. It's really funny." I shook my head and laughed a little as well.

"Yeah, that's about it. When I'm king though, I'll have everything." Miles said proudly.

"You're awfully confident that you'll be king."

Miles glanced up at me and sighed. "I guess you're right. I just think Finn is too much of a softy and Richie is a pussy. My only real competition was Boris and he's like- dead so..."

I nodded and he pulled ice cream out of the air. He handed me a cone and I thanked him, taking it.

We ate and chatted, getting to know each other better.

When Miles and I decided to go home, he brought me through the town. Women swooned at his presence, making me gag a little.

Don't be jealous

I looked at Miles who was giving a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and looked around. All around people were getting high, fucking, killing someone else, stealing, or spontaneously combusting.

I tugged on Miles's shirt and he looked down at me.

This is where you grew up?

He nodded and looked around.

What? Why?

I shrugged and turned back forward. "Prince Miles! Prince Miles!" We stopped and turned to a tent. "We shouldn't go in." He whispered.

I shook my head. "What if they need your help?" I asked. "They do just- not in the ways you think." I rolled my eyes and opened the curtain back.

I quickly shut it, turning back to Miles and taking his hand.

They just have orgy's wherever here, huh.

Miles nodded and sighed.

I told you they didn't need me for the reason you'd think.

I looked around some more, looking at all the chaos. I noticed a familiar figure standing on a stage.

Holy shit Miles, is that the Grim Reaper?!

He looked over and shook his head.

Hell no. Finn,'Chee, and I have to do that shit.

He snapped and the getup suddenly disappeared. There were three short demons, like Butler, standing on each other's shoulders.

Miles shook his head as the crowd booed, throwing trash at the devils as they scurried away. Miles tucked his arm around my waist, holding me close to him.

I gladly stood close to him, afraid of all the horrible people around me. "Can we just... Teleport home?" I whispered. "Why?" He asked, looking down at me.

I blushed and looked away, I didn't know if I would offend him. This is his kingdom after all. "Never mind." I whispered. "I'm not offended. If you're uncomfortable we can teleport home."

I shook my head and we kept walking. People offered us food and drinks, which Miles urged me to decline.

He eventually stopped, pulling a phone out of his pocket. "Dad?" Someone shoved past us and Miles flipped them off.

"Okay... Okay... Alright, yeah. I'll be there. Bye."

Miles put the phone away and turned to me. He grabbed my hands and sighed. "I have to go to council with my brothers, would you like to tag along?"

I shrugged and nodded, I had nothing better to do. "Great, let's go."

𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now