Part 2

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Promise's Point of view *Present time*

"No! Come on in! I am so excited for today because I finally get to go out on my own! First, we go to get my driver's license, then we go shopping at the mall, then, to top it all off, we go to the waterpark and stay the night there at the hotel!" I am so excited! I wasn't sure about the driver's test when I woke up this morning but Jungkook told me that it would be fine so I was okay about it. He was already 18 so we could spend the night there without my mom. We have been bestfriends since the time we met so she didn't mind.

"Well, we should get going. Do you have everything packed up?" Jungkook asked with the famous bunny smile painted on his face.

"Yeah. Do you?" He just nodded and we walked out the door. We were both smiling the most stupid smiles as we got in the car.

"You ready for your test?" he asked. He could probably tell that I was nervous because after he asked me that, he took the hand that he wasn't driving with and grabbed my own.

"You'll be fine. The first time I took mine you were also in the car with me. You told me that it would be fine but even so, I still felt like the walls would close in on me at any second or I would drive into the pond and kill us all. Then, after I took it while being super cautious, I passed." He said this but the only thing I heard was about the feelings of nervousness he had and then I stopped listening.

"Half of that would make me feel better if I didn't stop listening after you explained how horrified you were! That's like telling someone about how they're father and mother blew it at their surfing competition right before that person does their own surfing competition!" I yelled that last part, making sure he knew that I was angry.

"Okay, okay. I am sorry. Better?" He mumbled the last part, probably hoping that I wouldn't hear, but I did and hit his arm. I didn't mean to but I may have accidentally made him swerve because I hit the one hand that he was still driving with. I would pay for that later, I just knew it.

"Yay! We're here!" We both knew that I was saying this so that I wouldn't get punished for it now. He would probably tickle me to death.

*After the test when they are already at the mall*

"I still can't believe that I passed the test." I said, linking arms with him. I got some death glares from girls because I did so. I should have mentioned that he was pretty popular because he was in this band called 'Baepsae'. He saw the stares from girls and I guess this was his pay back because he then gave me a hug and when he pulled away I could see the smirk on his face. For some reason, I smelled flowers all of the sudden. I also felt thorns stab me as they came flying in. I looked around and found the witches from my school throwing roses at me. I never knew how somebody could do that without shaming themselves for it. They always made fun of me for my clothes because they always wore designer stuff. They were so rich and stuck up that they even have their own bodyguards! I mean how can someone even do that while still having respect for themselves? How can a parent let their child do this? I just realized I was staring at them. Now I got even more stares. At least that was over with.

"Now that that's over with, I have nothing to fear today for the rest of the day." I said. Once again, we both knew what I was talking about.

"I never said that I would give you a hug for the punishment. What kind of punishment is that? Giving me a hug is heaven. That is a reward." Se remarked, smirking as we walked on. Gosh, this guy is annoying. I just stood there with a shocked look on my face for about 5 seconds until he stopped, turned around, came towards me and lunged me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down! Put me down!" I yelled, making everyone look our way. I immediately turned red and hit Jungkook until he finally put me down. He then grabbed my hand and we ran into the nearest store, only just now realizing what store it was. It was a store for newborns.

"We shouldn't have come in here Jungkook. I really think we should go." I said, once again with a face as red as a tomato.

"You guys make such a cute couple but normally boyfriends don't come in with their girlfriends-wait. Are you Jungkook? The one in the band, Baepsae? Oh my god I am your biggest fan! Can I please get a picture with you?" She suddenly realized who she was talking to. He didn't respond right away as we were both in shock because she said that we were both boyfriend and girlfriend. Just then, I realized she asked Jungkook a question and I tapped his shoulder to get his attention. When I finally did, his face was that of a ghost's. He eventually came back to his senses.

"Yeah sure. I would love to take a picture with you." He said and then put his arm around her, took the selfie, and got back to shopping with me. I was really glad that his fans are wanting to take photos with him all of the time, they do that a lot. The entire rest of the day, they kept asking for photos yet I somehow managed to get a lot of shopping done. He was shook when he saw all of the bags I had gotten.

"Can you hold these please?" I said, holding about 15 bags.

"You have a billion bags! How did you manage to have so much time to shop? I didn't get a single thing." He stated, pouting in a funny way.

"I wasn't the one taking pictures with everyone so I just went on my own. I also knew that you wouldn't get anything which is why I am the best person to befriend." I said with a smirk spreading across my face because of what I was about to say. I knew he would take away the tickle punishment after I say it.

"How does that make you the best friend?" He said, raising an eyebrow.


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