Part 20

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"You know what?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah? What's that?" I questioned back.

"Just, follow me. Everybody else is going to come with us. I think you'll like it." he smiled at me. Taehyung whispered in my ear that we were going to get a certain bunny that Jungkook had put on hold for me. He wanted me to be there when he buys it for me so he's taking me now. It's apparently pitch black and it's eyes are brown and black, one eye black and one eye brown. It's 6 month old and is pretty cuddly, great body shape, hyper when wanting to play and calm when wanting to relax. It also is trained and basically follows every demand you have for it. We crossed the road, headed over to the pet shop and Jungkook showed me the bunny.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!" I yelled out of joy. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but it's true so it doesn't matter because I was just so happy.

"Jungkook, you are the best!" I gave him a hug.

"It wasn't only me, everyone bought stuff for him," he said. I went around and gave each one of my friends a tight hug.

"Thank you!" I said.

"I hope you are as happy as I am right now Missey! Seeing you smile just makes me happy. Seeing you happy makes me content. Seeing you, it makes me fall in love." I looked him in the eyes and I could tell her was completely genuine. I started to tear up. They were the only happy tears I have ever cried.

"I love you, Jungko-"

"Taehyung!" I heard a shriek followed by someone yelling 'Taehyung'. My heart stopped. I stared at the sight in front of me with bulging eyes. My tears fell as fast as my body ran to him. On the ground. In the middle of the street. In front of a car. In front of a driver, horrified at what they'd just done.

"No! No! Taehyung, please, no! You can't leave me, please, Tae wake up! Please! Tell me this isn't real! Tell me this is a dream or a prank! Tell me I didn't just lose my best friend! Please, please, please! No! No. Taehyung, please!" I couldn't even form sentences once the reality truly hit me. I screamed every word I could get out and sat their bawling until the ambulance came. Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were extremely distraught as well. It felt as though there was a black whole in my stomach, sucking me into darkness. Every moment he didn't wake up was another punch of the reality of the situation. I couldn't bear it, I couldn't even handle myself. I knew I was making things worse for everyone else. I sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room at the hospital, waiting for the doctors to walk out of the emergency department and say, "Everything's okay." It never happened. I was curled up with my knees to my chest and my head buried somewhere in between. My hands tugged at my hair as I cried and mumbled his name.

"Taehyung... Taehyung... Please wake up, Taehyung..."

"Are you Taehyung's family?" A doctor walked up to us with a clipboard and an unreadable expression. We nodded our heads.

"The car ruptured many organs and there was a lot of internal bleeding. The crash also broke his breast plate which covers his heart. The crash also shattered his left lung. We aren't sure if it was his breast plate or ribs, but we found a bone that... I'm afraid there's no easy way to say this. It was plunged into his heart and killed him minutes later. If you would..." The doctor continued to explain to Jin as my mind raced. A few moments after learning he died, I fell to the ground and sat on my knees. I screamed the most shrilling of screams and sobbed on the floor. I had tried to transfer my immortality to his but I couldn't do it so close to the last time. It was my fault he was dead. My head and eyes throbbed as I continued to sob and let out moans and mumbles. Jungkook and Jin comforted me as the rest filled out paperwork. I left to the roof after telling them I needed fresh air. I started to concentrate all of my power into the middle of my body to form a ball. This would combust and 'kill me'. This was the only way I could 'die' without going to the torture chamber. I had to disappear. It started to feel like my organs were ripping apart. The pain was so intense.

"Promise! Stop it! Don't leave me too!" I turned around to see Jungkook.

"I have to." It hurt me to see him like that but I needed to die.

"Then you won't go alone!" He yelled as he ran up to me.

"No, don't come close to me! If we're touching when it combusts, we'll both die!"

Right as the magic exploded, he kissed me. It was the end of our love.


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