Part 17

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I smirked as I saw fear grow in his eyes with every second he looked at me.

"So you finally figured it out? Took you long enough. Like I said, unexpected things should be the most expected, isn't that right Queen?" I asked looking back at her on the ground while she stares at me with wide eyes full of shock.

"You... you're..." she stuttered like a toddler talking to a bully. I don't blame her though. I mean, with the amount of power I was using before while fighting, you would think I was an amateur who somehow figured out how to summon demons. It was child's play.

"You fools didn't know enough and got her mad so now, you'll pay." Amon said. I was really confused as to why he was saying this stuff because usually, he would just stay out of any business like this.

"And, unlike other people, when you are in battle with me, you can't read my next attack." I said, boasting about my abilities once again.

"What're you talking about? You may be powerful but that doesn't mean you're all that." the King mocked me.

"Actually, I am all that. I don't even know what I am going to do next. It just sort of happens. It's like being possessed except I remember it and I have full consciousness, plus, I am NOT being possessed. So, take that." I then initiated the fight again, not wanting to reveal anymore of my powers. I gave them a tiny advantage by knowing this information but I won't do that anymore. Wings suddenly sprouted from my back and I flew up to the top of the castle's roof. Right when I was about to hit the roof, giving that I didn't know I had these wings and I have never used them before, I stopped and shot black flames at the ground. I then used my powers to lock all of the doors so that no one could come in. I flew down and one after another I slashed them with my sword. The sword that went with this outfit, the same as the one before except with dark purple lining and a dark purple and black mask, had purple and black flames surrounding it. I struck him in the stomach with the hardest blow that I could possibly get before quickly and smoothly striking him through the leg so that he couldn't fight anymore. I know that he will regenerate and it seemed pretty easy to fight him so I just left him for a bit to go fight with the Queen until he gets back on his feet.

"You know Queen, this is pretty fun! Thanks for giving me entertainment!" I said while laughing at her and the King. I am not usually a mean person but I have my reason to be mad at them.

*Flashback to when she was young and still with her dad*

I was walking with my dad and my mom up to this big castle. I remember them telling me this morning that we are going to meet some people, friends of theirs. I know that these people are nice because my mom and dad are friends with them so I can trust them.

"Woah! It's so big!" I said in awe as I stared at the big black castle in front of me. We walked inside and right after that, I was led into a different room. A couple minutes had passed and I had already asked to see my parents twice. The guards got annoyed with me and stopped answering my questions. I just sat around and played with my magic a little until I heard a scream and the sound of skin on skin. SLAP! I heard it again and again until I finally broke the door down after taking care of the guards. I rushed into the next room only to see my father held back by guards and my mother lying lifelessly on the ground. Her name was Yuki which stood for light and happiness but now, all I can see is a cold, dark body on the ground. I saw some red hand marks on each side of her cheeks and a lonely tear trickling down her face. She mumbled something out that I couldn't quite hear but then curled up the sides of her cheeks into a smile until her eyes rolled back and her smile, gone. Her red-maroon dress was stained with blood and the white, lacy material that covered most of her back and part of her chest was torn and ripped. Her legs had whip marks, as well as her arms, hands, and feet. Her fingernails pulled up to the point where, if they had been pulled up even the slightest bit more, they would have been ripped off. Her black silky hair was still calm and smooth except for the top part that had been ruffled, as if someone had grabbed at it and caught ahold. Her cheeks that were flushed pink are now faded to a pale, white color, though still as smooth as cocoa butter. She smelled as she always did, a light perfume that smelled like mangos and roses. I walked up to her and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. I then closed the lids of her eyes by sliding my fingers downward from the top of her eyes to the bottom of them. I continued this motion with my fingers all the way down to her lips that had a light cherry color to them, blue quickly spreading across the creases.

"Stop it! Stop it! Bring my mommy back to life!" I screamed at the King but he just laughed and said that her screaming was a good entertainment but she was doomed when she walked in. He smirked at me and that's when I blacked out, or well, he knocked me out with his magic.

*End of flashback* 


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