Chapter 1

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So this story kinda changes the line of events in Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth as well as Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian a little bit. Here's how the story changes slightly:

Everything up until the chapter where Kronos comes back is the same. Kronos has not returned yet, he's powerful enough to but Luke hasn't gone into the Styx yet so his body isn't ready. Ethan has joined the Titans, and they don't need anyone else, but since Luke's body isn't prepared to host Kronos, Kronos hasn't come back yet. I hope that made sense.


Luke Castellan stood on the Princess Andromeda, his arms crossed over his chest. His blonde hair was wind-swept and he wore a grey shirt with a leather jacket. The pale scar over his eye caused many of the monsters on the ship to stop and stare, that and the sword strapped to his waist.

This was all a bad idea. Luke thought, looking over the monster ranks. Joining Kronos, trying to defeat the gods. It's only going to get me killed.

But you're willing to die for it, aren't you? His thoughts retorted. Or at least you once were. Don't lie to yourself Luke. You want to do this.

But I don't! I need to get out of here-getting the Mark of Achilles, hosting Kronos, leading an army-it's more than I bargained for.

And yet you're still here. You didn't leave. You could have. Kronos isn't back yet. He doesn't trust anyone other than you enough to use them as hosts. You could have left and you would have been safe. But you stayed.

I shouldn't have.

Luke was fairly certain that arguing with yourself was a sign of insanity.

"Luke." Kelli the Empousa said, setting a hand on Luke's upper arm. He shrugged her off.

"What is it?"

"The new recruit. Lord Kronos wants you to train him yourself." Kelli said.

Luke turned around slowly.

"New recruit?" He asked Kelli.

"Ethan! Step forward!" Kelli called.

A boy with glossy black hair, an eyepatch over his eye, and his other eye brown stepped forward.

"Ethan...?" Luke gestured with his hand, asking Ethan to tell him his full name.

"Nakamura. Ethan Nakamura." Ethan answered.

"Have you ever fought before, Ethan?" Luke asked.

"A fair few times." Ethan said. "I had to teach myself. My mother is Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge. Camp Half-Blood doesn't have cabins for children of minor gods."

"Ah, so you know about Camp, do you?"

"I was brought there by a satyr. But I left."

Luke nodded. You're doing good, Luke. A voice in his head whispered.

No I'm not. Luke retorted. This kid thinks he's going to help make the world better-we're only making it worse.

"Luke?" Kelli said, her voice sounding concerned.

"What?" Luke spat. Kelli took a step back in surprise. Luke couldn't explain why, but he felt angry, as though engulfed in a fire.

"I-I just wanted to remind you that Lord Kronos wants you to train Nakamura."

Luke nodded. All the anger that had been there a second ago was gone, and Luke felt strangely... empty.

"Kelli I need to speak with you." Luke said, walking into one of the ship's many cabins.

Kelli followed looking only slightly worried.

"Why does he want me to train this guy? I thought that was what we had Kai for." Luke asked. Kai was the second best fighter on the ship, right after Luke. She was a daughter of Khione, Goddess of Snow.

"Well, Lord Kronos is worried that you aren't quite-erm-as willing to host him as you were before. He thinks-he thinks that Ethan may be able to help you see where your loyalties lie." Kelli said. Her stuttering was making Luke anxious. Kelli was never worried or scared. This didn't make sense. None of this made any sense anymore.

"My loyalties lie with Kronos, and only with Kronos." Luke said.

"I know that, Lukey-bear." Kelli said, sounding slightly offended. "But he isn't sure. Just do what he wants and it'll all be fine."

"Right." Luke said. Kelli smiled and left. Because giving up my body for him isn't enough.


Mkay I don't know what that was. Whatever.

Hope you liked the chapter!! See yah luvs! 😘

(723 words.)

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