Cpt. Lasky x reader || What would i do without you?

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You were captain Lasky's personal assistant and frankly his best friend. As you walked away from his office to your own, you felt a twinge in your chest that you couldn't identify. What the hell were you feeling? You had no clue, all you knew was that you wished you could help him more. Let me clear up what happened; Master Chief had pulled another antic of his and while it got the job done, there was a ton of issues that had to be cleared up, which meant a mountain of paper work and meetings for Lasky. You being his PA also meant a good amount of work for you , but you didn't mind as it wasn't nearly as much as the captain's. Once you were at your desk you blasted through the small stack of work within an hour or two, looking at the clock you noticed it was 10:00 pm and decided to get some rest. While you were laying in your semi-comfortable bed you stared up at the ceiling thinking about why tomorrow would bring and as much as tried to keep your mind on one thing it always wandered back Lasky. You couldn't help but smile softly as recalled all the great memories you had with him, all the battles won, the late night chats, and goofing off messing with Sargent Johnson... you felt your heart skip a beat and cheeks heat up and that's when it hit you. You held more than platonic feelings towards the captain... No. Hell no. This was not happening. But your little heart kept leading your head to the same question: does he, maybe feel the same? You hated that and told yourself to stop acting like a child and giving yourself false hopes. You were nothing more than friends, colleagues. You shouldn't have these feelings, they were inappropriate and unprofessional. But you just couldn't push these down. 'Maybe if I just sleep it'll go away. Yea just gotta rest.' And with that you fell asleep.


You woke up the next morning, bright and early like you always did. The things you felt last night didn't disappear like you had hoped. But you came to the conclusion to bottle it up and hide it, just carry on with your life. You got to Lasky's office at 8:00 like always and as soon as you walk in you saw he was at his desk talking with a high ranking officer. He looked up to see you and gave a subtle nod. You nodded back while your heart skipped a beat. Wait why did it do that? You patiently waited for the officer to leave and it took every bit of will in yourself  to keep from fidgeting nervously. After the officer left, you approached his desk and set down the stack of documents. You glanced at him and noticed that he was working on more papers. You cleared your throat and spoke. "Captain, if I may, I'd like to take a larger workload then last time." 

He looked up at you and you saw that there were dark circles under eyes. He gave you a small, tired smile and said, "Sure, take as much of the stack as you want. And for the last time (Y/N), when it's just us, you can call me Thomas." 

"Sorry, force of habit." you said and took a bit over three quarters of the stack for yourself. 

Surprise flashed in his brown eyes and his hand shot out and held your forearm as he stood. "Hey, that's a lot of work. I don't think-"

"Thomas, you look like you haven't slept in days. Just let me handle it, okay?" you interrupted, the last sentence came out a bit too softly. His eyes searched yours and your breath hitched in your throat. You prayed he couldn't hear you heart that was pounding in your ears. He only nodded and sat back down and watched you leave. What you didn't see was how his cheeks had a light pink dust to them.

As he was lying down, he thought about how much you'd been there for him. When the stress was getting to him, you would sit there with an arm around his shoulders. Making sure that his work wasn't unbearable. Before he fell asleep, his thoughts were of you...


You been taking the majority of the work for a few weeks now and Lasky was looking much healthier. You on the other hand? Well you looked a bit tired but you'd been handling it well. And yes, when Spartan 177 does those awesome stunts it takes weeks to clear it up and get everything back in order. You walked into his office once again to drop off an entire stack of papers. He was standing and looking out the window into the emptiness of space and setting down the stack seemed to break him out of his thoughts. He turned to you and smiled slightly making you smile back. You were walking out when suddenly, something caught your wrist. You wiped around and met those big brown orbs. "(Y/N), I- I just wanted to tell you... t-that -." he took a breath and began again. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me. I don't know how to tell you this but." He held both your hands and closed his eyes taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he was encaptured by your deep, (e/c) eyes. He gazed deeply into yours and whispered, "What would I do without you?" You saw the undying love in his eyes and wrapped your arms around is neck and leaned up as his lips met you half way. When you kissed, you swore the whole world just disappeared for awhile, it was just you and him. He pulled you even closer and all you could feel was love as your lips moved perfectly in sync. It was like you were made for each other, like you had waited life times to find each other, and you had. When you parted for air, you stared into his eyes and said, "I love you too Thomas." 

Down the hall, a tall green giant smirked from behind his helmet. "I should do that more often." John said to himself. Fred owes me 20 bucks.

I hope this was okay. 

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