No Feelings

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I better finish this before something else happens. I keep on telling myself and studied my book and wrote on my notebook. "Why won't you let me set off the bomb, you bastards!" I listen to Vyvyan and Mike shutted the wardrobe door from which Vyvwas in. I glanced up and had to double check when Rick came outwearing a camoflaugue outfit and wearing sunglasses.

"Thatcher, Thatcher. Ah, Thatcher. Typical, she's got about four hunderd different phone numbers. Useless. Are you going to be long, Mike? I want to start blackmailing Thatcher with our bomb." He held a phonebook and threw it away and looked down at Mike

"I notice you haven't written the call down in the book, Mike. That's very interesting isnt it really. I mean we have this book here where we write down the calls we make. I suppose you just forgot. Well, I wonder what other times you conveniently forgot?"

"Rick, what are you talking about? This is a payphone!"

"Here, read this." I look uo from my book and see Rick with an adult magazine. "You're sick, Mike!"

"If people weren't sick, we wouldn't need penicillin!"

"Quit being so gross, Mike." I sais walking up to them and grabbed the magazine and threw it in the trash. 

Rick makes it to the door. "I'm going to the phone box." He stops and walks past me towards Neil while pulling his pants up and going to the kitchen. Neil is painting himself.  "Neil, can you lend me...What are you doing?"

"Oh, painting myself white to deflect the blast!"

"Thats great, isn't it, Racial discrimination, even in death! What are these?" He holds ups a few lunchbags on the table. "Oh, sandbags!"

"Come on, give me five pence, Neil."

"Oh, you can remember my name when it's time to borrow some money."

Rick sighs in annoyance and screams at Neil. "GIVE ME IT!"

"Do you have two two's and a one?" Neil asks holding some cash and Rick reaching into his pockets. "Um, no I haven't."

"Well, how do I know I'm gonna get it back? I mean, I don't want to seem like a really heavy bread head, but 5p is 5p!"

"Because it's important to me, that's enough!"

"But you put me in a really difficult situation ,I mean, I'd like to lend it to you now but its just like 5p-"  "Alright, shut up, Neil. Shut up. Will you lend it to me if I promise to be your slave all day tomorrow?"

Neil nods his head. "Yeah, that sounds like a good deal, yeah"

I pinch the bridge of my nose, tired of this when I see Rick has his fingers crossed behind his back and waves at them in Neil's face, "Touch luck, buster! I had my fingers crossed behind my back all along!" He continues to wave at the poor mans face. No wonder he is always depressed.

"I won't say anything becasue no one ever listens to me anyway! I might as well be a Leonard Cohen record!"

Rick uncrosses his fingers and gives Neil a two finger salute and starts walking toward the door bur before he leaves he grabs my sleeve and pulls me ouside with him righg when another Balowski went in. 

"At this pace I'll never finish my work." I mumble as we walk down the streets.

"Oh, shut it, Alice. I'll help you out later this is important." Rick replies like it's no big deal. I match his pace and raised an eyebrow looking up at him and decide to play along with his behavior, "Oh, so is there a reason you decided to bring me along? If I knew any better I'd say you're starting to like me."

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