The Flood

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The party was a complete disaster, every one destroyed eveeything in their path which led to one the boys carry me to my room, I don't know what happened later because I fell asleep but thing is when I woke up, the place was kinda spotless and it was just the five of us again. That's all that mattered.

I rested my head on my arms which were crossed against the table, I had cereal and drank a pill since my head was hurting just a bit. "You're lucky we were around before you made a fool of yourself."

Rick tells me and I notice him with his face pressed against the window, looking outside. "You almost lifted up your skirt for everyone to see."

I feek embarassed. I stand up and walked over to. "Well thanks for bringing me upstairs anyway, Who are you watching?"

"I've just seen the most amazing thing in the garden! Neil biffed himself in the face with a frying pan!"

We see the back yard which is a graveyard. "I never knew we had a backyard." I comment peering outside and see it is heavily raining, Neil is out hitting himself and there are strange men outside with funny clothes.

"Rick, you've been looking out of that window for three hours now." Mike finally speaks.

"Yes, well it's hardly surprising, is it? Vyvyan put super glue all over the pane!" I lean closer and it seems like he is stuck?

Vyvyan is reading a comic on the couch. "Did I? That was a good joke!"

"I'll probably be disfigured for life, Vyvyan, and you'll have to pay! Ha! And then who will be laughing, ha!  Not you, matey. That's for sure!" He says and snorts lioe he always does.

"Yeah, well just don't break the glass when you tear your face off, that's all."

"I won't. I won't because..." he quickly moves away from window making me take steps back surprised he isnt glued to it. "it's not true! It was a joke I made up, and you fell for it like the fascists you are!" I shake my head starinf up at him weirdly, he pouts and walks past me.

"God, I'm bored! I might as well be listening to Genesis! Marrow...Meringue...Boomerang...Long blue boomerang..."

"Oh, shut up!" Vyv shouts from his spot on the couch. "I'm trying to free form! "I'm trying to read!

Rick walks closer to Vyv and looks at him funny. "OH, REALLY! I learned how to do that years ago!  And what is it you're reading, Vyvyan? A bit of Pretarkian verse, is it? Little bit of French drama?"

"It's called, 'SS Death Camp Criminal Battalion go to Monte Casino for the Massacre'.

Rick steps closer and snatched the comic, "That's MY bloody comic!"

"Give it back!

"Can you stop acting like children?" I ask stepping between them but Rick pushed me down on the couch and steps closer to Vyv.

"Can you stop acting like children?" I ask stepping between them but Rick pushed me down on the couch and steps closer to Vyv

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