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It had been almost a week since London had flooded and everything was back to normal. We were no longer surrounded by water, just the building and its annoying neighbors. Since all the boys except Neil wanted to sacrifice me for food, I had decided to pull a couple of small pranks on them all week.

Rick and Vyvyan were getting annoyed and angry about, Mike being the cool person he says he is was a step ahead ans coupd figure out my pranks. Which was unfortunate.

Neil and I were at the grocery store since everyone else ssid they had their classes today which was a complete lie. They always stay at home, no wonder why they are always bored.

Neil moved the cart and we began deciding which things to buy. "How about some more lentils?" I looked back and saw the tall hippie staring at them.

"Neil, all you guys eat are lentils no wonder you're all so skinny. It's not healthy just to eat those." I tell him and we moved to the next aisle.

"Alright if you say so..Hey Alice, why haven't you ever mentioned your parents-"

"How about we buy some pasta so I can make more spaguetti and meatballs?" I quickly ask and held up the items.

"You know Rick and I are vegetarians..and you're avoiding the question aren't you?" He gloomly says and I give him a simple nod.

"That I am, don't worry all will said in time." I said deciding to forget about my parents while I'm still here.

It has been three months since I arrived and have been friends with the boys. It's still a long way ahead but I know i'll be very sad once I leave them. I try to push that thought aside and focus on the present.

I picked up some veggie burgers, lettuce, cheese, milk, bread and other things we desperately needed at the house. Neil grabbed some lentils behind my back and stuffed it into his pocket.

"You know I'm planning to prank the guys again. It'll be the biggest one yet." I mention looking at Neil and saw him frown at me.

"Not this again, Alice."

"No no it won't be that serious." I lie and smile. "Just don't mention it to any of them." I beg and began placing the food up to scan them.

"I won't. But answer me this, do you have brothers? Sisters? A boyfriend..girlfriend?" He mutters the last part and I look back at him.

"You really are curious about me, hmm? Well that's a no to all of those." I responded.

And we both exited the store with the bags in hand. "You're an only child like me then!" I giggle and nod my head. I don't think I have ever spent a day with him.

"You're too nice, Neil. Why don't we both prank them? They've been mean to you too." I suggest and he looks uncertain.

"Geez..I-I don't know about that. Aren't they our friends?" I stare at him blankly but have an idea.

"That's right! Which will make it even funnier. Friends prank each other all the time." I nudge his shoulder and saw his worried face.

"If you say so."


"Neil! Where's our dinner, Neil?"

I checked the clock and saw it was just 5 pm. "Rick, it's still to early for dinner." I comment and see him stop and slowly turns to me.

"How about you do me the honors of preparing meal for us?" He asks getting way to close to me as I leaned back onto the couch.

"No, thank you. I think i'll pass." I open the newspaper and he quickly took a step back and groaned. "NEIL!!" He continued shouting and Vyvyan did the same following him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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