part 2. full 180.

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Issei was grateful that he was alive but soon came to resent his rebirth because he was now a devil and was forced to become a pawn or a slave in simpler terms, as time passed, Issei was forced to fight again and again and again for 5 years. In those 5 years, he unlocked his sacred gear, a small red gauntlet that doubles his power and that's why he was Rias Gremory's pawn. She and her peerage all used him as a meat shield and as a punching bag. Even with the ability to double his power, it barely made a difference since was always weak no matter how hard he tried. He endured abuse from his master, was a victim of Akeno's sadistic games who turned out to be a half fallen angel. Kiba didn't care for him nor did Koneko, Asia was there to heal him using her scared gear Twilight Healing but that was the closest thing to love he got from them even though he knew that Asia was healing him because she had to. Even after all that shit he was going through, he still helped his team emotionally because he wasn't like them. Issei helped Kiba find the guy who killed his childhood friends during the Holy Sword project, saved Asia from a low class stray devil named Diadora and helped Akeno accept her fallen angel side which she hated since her mother was murdered for giving birth to her and being intimate with a fallen angel. All of them attended Kuoh academy as 2nd and 3rd year students, everyone one was basically worshipped, Rias and Akeno were loved by all students and teachers, the girls looked at Kiba as if he was a rich good looking celebrity. Koneko was the adorable little mascot of the school while Asia was like a little sister that you would die for. Issei however was never one to receive any kind treatment even from his so called "friends". Two guys who were the school perverts saw Issei has a scape goat, they would hangout with him only to hide their porn magazines in his bag or drag him to peep on girls a leave him to get beaten by the girls since he wasn't that fast. He begged the girls to let him explain but they refused and made him suffer. After his new reputation as the 3rd pervert even Asia didn't bother healing his bruises or cuts.

One day they were ordered by the Devil King Sirzechs (whom Issei saw as a big brother figure) to kill a stray devil. As Rias and her peerage went to the warehouse where the stray was last reported.

Rias: hey stray shit. Come out.

Being taunted by Rias, the stray devil came out of the shadows and had the appearance of a half man half horse with a very strong reptile like tail and two horns. It charged at Rias, Kiba intercepted it with his speed but couldn't cut the tough hide of the stray deep enough so only minor cuts very visible. Kiba made one cut after another until the stray was red all over and losing blood quick, Kiba was eventually got hit by the stray's tail and was tossed through a wall and was knocked out. Koneko attacked with brute force being a rook and Akeno used her fallen angel lightning to critically injure it, it worked but they used up all their strength since the stray was stronger than it looked. Asia stayed hidden and Issei felt like he couldn't fight that thing since it took out the others. Rias stepped forward and used her power of destruction to erase the stray from existence, she toyed with it, shredded it's left leg and let it bleed to death as it lay there barely breathing. Everyone thinking that it's down for good they came forward and stood next to it. Asia was busy healing Kiba who woke up while Rias talked to the stray.

Rias: you put up a good fight so any last words?

The stray looked at Rias with anger and decided to play the helpless victim role.

Stray:, please hear me out.

Everyone looked at the stray directly and didn't notice the tail slowly extending behind Rias.

Rias: spit it out already.


Rias noticed his tail was behind her and coming down at full speed, if Kiba couldn't dodge it then how could she? She prepared for impact but felt a push instead and saw Issei push her out of the way only to end up taking the hit on his head and hitting the ground motionlessly. Rias took the chance to kill the stray before it had another chance to strike again. Issei was immediately taken to the underworld hospital and the doctors said that he's in a coma.

One week has passed and Issei was still in a coma, his master and his peerage would come to check on him only because they were required to. One day Rias and the others were sitting in Issei's room just looking at him with contempt then just leave, Issei was physically present but his mind was somewhere else entirely. In his dreamscape, there was nothing but darkness until Issei heard a voice.

Voice: how long are you going to be like this?

Issei: huh? Who's there?

As soon as Issei asked, a large red dragon with green eyes appears from the darkness and flames surround them both.

Issei: a dragon?

Dragon: I am Ddraig. The red dragon emperor and you are my host.

Issei: your host?

Ddraig: it's about time we talked. I tried talking to you before but you could never hear me, perhaps it's because you were not strong enough.

Issei: yeah yeah I know I'm weak what else is new?

Issei had a defeated look on his face and it angered Ddraig.

Ddraig: wipe that damn look off your face. You are the host of the Welsh dragon Ddraig and I refuse to let this happen when I can change it.

Issei: and what can you do that I haven't already tried? I trained again and again and fought constant battles yet I barely ever get stronger even with my sacred gear so tell me, WHAT CAN YOU POSSIBLY DO?

Ddraig: ...... I'll show you the truth that you have denied all these years.

Issei: what truth?

Ddraig: that you have accepted your shitty life and refuse to do anything about it. You have a rage inside of you that rivals a dragon's rage and that's saying something. You never shed a tear fearing that you'd be mocked more than before. Your so called master and comrades talk shit behind your back and put you through torment while labelling it "endurance training". Think back boy. You don't fight back because you're afraid that you will become like them. A monster who preys on others. Well guess what boy it's about damn time you did, give them a taste no a full course of their own medicine.



Issei: .......

Ddraig: use it boy. The rage, use the burning dragon's rage and hold nothing back. Don't worry about becoming a stray, I'll help you with that. Now wake up and cut loose.

Issei wakes up and immediately anyone can tell that his dull brown eyes are no more, they had anger in them and the small gauntlet on his arm morphed to a full red dragon arm like gauntlet with two golden spikes protruding from his elbow and had sharp claws. Issei got up from bed and noticed that his body wasn't so skinny or weak anyone. Power flowed through it and his physique looked like he started working out a little bit. Issei created a magic portal and went to his apartment in Kuoh Town on earth. Ten minutes later a nurse noticed that Issei was gone and alerted Rias who was in the hospital cafeteria.

Rias: he's gone? Well worry not. We know where to find him so no need for the hospital to or the authorities to get involved. He's my pawn so I'll handle it.

Nurse: as you wish Lady Gremory.

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