part 8. return.

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No one could find Issei anywhere, almost as if he vanished. Sirzechs himself searched for him along with team Rias and team Sona. They checked every part of Kuoh, no trace of Issei's energy at all. It's as if he truly was dead and the blood in his apartment along with memories of him were all that remained. Everyone decided to go home after a fruitless all night search, they knew Issei wouldn't survive more than an hour after forcefully removing his pieces but Rias refused to stop looking. Team Rias and Team Sona still had to attend school the next day but team Rias didn't care and continued to search for him for 2 days straight, even searched the near by mountains but to no avail. Rias and her team along with Sirzechs and Grafia were devastated at the loss of Issei only an hour or so after showing his power as the red dragon emperor. They were completely guilt ridden and giving up after finding no evidence that he's alive, they declared him dead. News spread throughout the school that Issei was dead and rumours about his death gave everyone mixed emotions.
Some were happy but some were actually sad because Issei never really hurt anyone. Those two perverted guys showed no sense of loss over their "friend".

They eventually had to live their lives but it wasn't the same, Rias never really recovered and lived with the guilt as did her team. All four of them kept one or two of his pawn pieces as a reminder to be better and treat others right regardless off their strengths and weaknesses. For the first month Rias would have nightmares of Issei laying in a pool of blood, repeating those words he said to them when he was alive etc. She would wake up screaming or start crying, even tried to avoid sleeping as to not have nightmares but lack of sleep made her hallucinate and would see a glimpse of Issei, what hurt more was seeing that not even the hallucinations smiled because he never did ever since she reincarnated him, only anger, sorrow or same tear stained face. Rias says to her self.

Rias: Issei.....I'm so sorry. I just wanted to make things right.

Her team and Sirzechs would come to check on her since they fared better as compared to her. No words brought her peace and stayed alone. She tried to appear strong but everyone including the kids in school noticed that she was clearly in pain and it started when Issei died. Now back to Issei.

The night he went deep into the forest he sat under a tree and spoke to Ddraig.

Issei: alright now let's do this.

Ddraig: right.

Ddraig sends his dragonic energy through Issei's body and Issei grunts from the pain. His body becomes more muscular, his eyes go from brown to emerald green with slit pupils. Scales appear on his body along with his claws and his teeth now had long sharp fangs. The pain finally stops and Issei relaxes.

Ddraig: sorry about the pain, I had to accelerate the process to save your life

Issei: I'm glad you did. The quicker the better.

Ddraig: it's not over just yet, your horns, tail and wings will grow soon it'll be more painful than what you experienced a moment ago.

Issei: why am I not surprised?

Ddraig: rest for now. We will begin training your new found power in a few days after you adjust to your new senses.

Issei: sounds good.

Ddraig: also you continue to surprise me.

Issei: hmm?

Ddraig: not only did you achieve balance breaker but became the first devil who removed his pieces by force and lived then turned into a dragon by your own volition.

Issei: haha. Thanks. Dragons are way better than devils.

Ddraig: hahaha that's right. Now rest. You need it.

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