part 24. chess

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Issei and Rias joined the others, both looked happier.

Kuroka: so Issei how did it go?

Issei: I've forgiven her. Now I can finally move on and so can she.

Kuroka: you two took over an hour, did something happen?

Issei: between Rias and I? Not at all.

Kuroka: then does she have her scent all over you?

Kuroka cat sense of smell picked it up and she was annoyed.

Issei: it's was a long platonic hug but if you hate it so much then I'll go shower.

Kuroka: wise choice.

Issei: care to join me?

He asked seductively.


Her shouting disrupted everyone's focus and chaos ensued, those practicing magic lost control and their energy erupted in a explosion leaving them covered in black soot. Those sparring definitely got hit by attacks. Issei and Kuroka left to avoid getting trouble and had fun in the tub. As night time approached, everyone went to bed from exhaustion except for Kuroka, she passed out from too much sex. The night was young so he decided to go for a walk then get some ramen at a near by stall. It was his favorite place since he was a devil.
Issei ordered a bowl of ramen and a young woman with a bob cut joined her.

Sona: hey Issei. Fancy seeing you here.

Issei: hey Sona, I used to come here all the time. What brings you here?

Sona: I love the ramen here. I have for a year now.

Issei: after I left right?

Sona: yes. After your disappearing act your former team would come here frequently to see if you would show up here even when they thought that you were dead. Saji missed you the most you know. Being a fellow pawn and all.

Issei: yeah I missed you guys too. Sorry for making you guys go through that.

Sona: don't be but if you want to make it up to me then how about playing chess with me? You're quite the smart fellow so let's see if you can beat me.

Issei: I would love to play a game of chess. We can catch up while we play.

Sona: let's play in the student council office, I can get us in.

Both finish their ramen, pay and go to the student council office. Both sit down and set up the board.

Sona: what have you been up to for the past few months?

Sona moves her pawn.

Issei: I got promoted to king.

Issei moves his pawn.

Sona: yes I heard from my sister, congrats on being the first fallen dragon king.

Sona moves another pawn.

Issei: thanks. I already have a queen.

Issei moves his knight.

Sona: it's Kuroka isn't it?

She moves another pawn.

Issei: yes. Who else could it be?

Issei moves another pawn.

Sona: I heard Rias was willing to demote herself to be your queen.

Sona moves her Bishop.

Issei: she was willing to be a pawn or even my mistress.

Issei moves his knight.

Sona: oh geez. She clearly wants to be by your side.

Sona moves her knight and takes Issei's pawn.

Issei: I rejected her advances and she has accepted that I don't love her like that.

Issei moves his Bishop and takes out her pawn.

Sona: what about the others?

Sona moves her rook.

Issei: Shirone a.k.a Koneko is more open now and Asia is doing better.

Issei moves his other knight and takes out a pawn.

Sona: and Akeno?

Sona takes out a pawn using her Bishop.

Issei: we trained in the Grigori and she's bonding with her dad again.

Issei takes out her Bishop using his rook.

Sona: so she overcame her past?

Sona moves her other knight and takes out a pawn.

Issei: yeah. I've forgiven all of them but it'll be like before.

Issei uses his Bishop to take out her knight.

Sona: you just took out my knight.

Sona moves another pawn.

Issei: speaking of taking out knights, are Kiba and Tsubaki dating yet?

Issei takes out her pawn using his own.

Sona: I've caught them flirting a couple of times. Ever since you forgave him he's become a better person.

Sona moves her rook.

Issei: did all the girls fawn over him for the past year?

Issei takes out her knight using another rook.

Sona: so about your new friends.

Sona moves her rook and takes out a pawn.

Issei: 2 of them are basically my sister's from one of the foster homes we used to be in, the rest are good friends. That's all I can say until the rating game is over.

Issei moves his rook and takes out another pawn.

Sona: understandable, can't risk losing.

Sona moves her queen.

Issei: glad you understand also checkmate.

Sona: what?

Sona looks at the board and notices her foolish mistake, she accidentally moved her queen in the path of Issei's rook. She facepalms.

Issei: I win.

Sona: I'm rarely ever beaten.

Issei: Almost nothing looks more orderly than chess pieces before a match starts. The first move, however, begins a spiral into chaos. After both players move, 400 possible board setups exist. After the second pair of turns, there are 197,742 possible games, and after three moves, 121 million. At every turn, players chart a progressively more distinctive path, and each game evolves into one that has probably never been played before. With stats like these, one can only win for so long no matter how good they are.

Sona: you amaze me Issei Hyoudo.

Issei: ha. Well we should get going. Both our teams are probably waiting for us.

Sona: it was interesting to play against you, we should do this again.

Issei: I'd be delighted.

Both went home. As Issei opened his door Kuroka was sitting there waiting for him.

Kuroka: so where did you go all by your lonesome?

Issei: ramen. I ran into Sona there and we had a game of chess. I won and I filled her in on what's been happening. She is a friend after all.

Kuroka: ...... You had ramen without me and with another woman no less?

Once again she used her kitten face and Issei was guilt ridden.

Issei: that is annoying and lovable at the same time. Ok fine I'll take you to get some ramen. Come on.

Kuroka: NYA!!!

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