part 4. exposed.

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Rias just storms out the door and goes straight to the underworld fearing Issei words might hold the truth. She arrived at Riser's house and is greeted by his younger sister Ravel, a cute girl with blonde hair curled into a drill like style. Ravel takes Rias to Riser's room and leaves knowing this was a personal visit from the expression on Rias's face. Rias open the door and her eyes widen, there was Riser in bed with a random woman. Riser notices Rias and panicked

Riser: Rias baby it's not what it looks like.

The woman freaked out any ran out the door after picking up her clothes.

Riser: Rias it's not what you think, I was just umm... Testing her physical abilities yeah..she wants to be a Phoenix like I am.

Rias slaps Riser. HARD. She then started to shed tears.

Rias: ......he was right. You're a lying piece of flaming shit.

Riser: wait...who was?

Riser asked demanding to know about who ruined his fun.

Issei: I did you fried chicken.

Issei appeared and Rias immediately hugged him.

Rias: Issei you were right and I'm so sorry for hurting you.

Rias suddenly kissed Issei then Issei pushed her off.

Issei: don't you dare try that again. Got it?

Issei gave her one and only warning.

Rias: Issei?

Issei: just because he hurt you doesn't mean I'm the one you can cry to.

Rias began to cry as the weight of betrayal of her "lover" make her rethink her life choices. Her fiance cheated and didn't give two shits about her since she was far too in love with him and it dawned on her, that's what Issei went through and it was only made worse by her and her peerage for years. Issei did more for her and her team than anyone and now he doesn't give a rats ass if they live or die.
Rias became desperate and tried to use her status as Issei's master to make him love her.

Rias: Issei ........I'm your master and you belong to me. Heart..... body and soul.

Rias placed her hand on his chest. A truly pathetic display. Issei grabbed her hand and removed it then said.

Issei: my heart no longer beats for you "master". I don't want your so called "love" pathetically enough to deal with the mountain size of bullshit that comes with it.

Rias just froze and her eyes were completely blank.

Ddraig mentally commented to Issei: damn. Even ice in cocytus isn't that cold. Haha

Riser had enough of being ignored.

Riser: how dare you ignore me you low class pawn?!

Riser tried to punch Issei but was struck by a large red metal whip and was sent flying to the wall. Riser got up and looked at what hit him, he and Rias were left wide eyed when they saw that the red metal whip was a tail like appendage attached to Issei's back.

Rias: Issei? What is that and when did you get so strong enough to send high class devil flying?

Issei: doesn't matter. I'm out of here. Issei teleported home leaving Rias alone with Riser.

Riser: how... How ....HOW DARE HE ATTACK ME?

Rias just walked up to him and slapped him again leaving a nice clean cut.

Rias: I never want to see you again you lying shit.

Riser's parents showed up wondering what was the cause of the small shockwave that went through the walls. Rias told them what happened and were disgusted by Riser and arranged a meeting with Sirzechs in 2 days time at Kuoh academy. The following were asked to attend.

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