part 23. sharing the memories of the past.

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As all 10 of them teleported to Issei's new house, there were 5 people already waiting for them.

Issei: should I start by putting salt lines under the doors and windows now if you're going to start breaking in Rias?

Rias: sorry, we just wanted to surprise you.

Issei: breaking and entering, definitely a surprise. NOT.

Kuroka: oh hush you. You're upsetting her.

Issei: ok fine but I'm putting some barriers up later.

Rias: so they are your new friend, nice to meet you all. I'm Rias Gremory.

Akeno: my name is Akeno Himejima, I'm her queen.

Asia: Asia Argento, her bishop.

Kiba: Kiba Yuuto, her knight.

Shirone: Shirone Toujo. Rook.

Everyone just returned her greetings coldly except for Shirone's. Their names instantly reminded them of what Issei endured and they were having 2nd thoughts about joining her now that they can actually put a face to the name of Issei's former abusive master and team. From their looks and tone Rias could tell that they knew about her.

Rias: they know don't they?

Issei: in order to make an alliance we all had to share our stories, no lies, no details skipped over.

Rias: I see.

Rias is saddened that even more people know of her actions, the killing intent coming from Irina and Xenovia was scary.

Issei: let's start, only one month till the games. You 5, meet Vali, Bikou, Arthur, la Fey, Cao Cao, Irina, Xenovia and Ophis.

Akeno: the dragon of Infinity? That Ophis?

Kuroka: yup the one and only.

Issei: I know that you guys are nervous but Ophis isn't the only reason is it?

Kiba: the 4 holy power signatures in this room are terrifying.

Cao Cao: we wield the true longinus and 3 holy swords but fear not, we only use them on our enemies, we are allies here so no need to fret.

Kiba: thank you.

Vali: I'm also the white dragon emperor FYI.

And team Rias starts sweating bullets. They needed to change the topic asap.

Akeno: so should we start planning,we can start off by seeing each other's strengths and then we can decide on who can register as which piece.

Vali: I suggest sparring, best way to know in my opinion.

Issei: sure. The basement door leads to a training dimension. Let's start there.

Everyone goes there and start training, Arthur and Kiba were evenly matched but learned from each other due to their very different techniques. Irina and Xenovia battled as usual, Ophis just sat there watching, Asia, La Fey and Akeno practiced magic since Asia really needed to learn new abilities other than healing and basic magic. Bikou definitely gave Shirone a tough time with his martial arts, it was superior to her combat skills. Kuroka and Rias trained both in close combat, Kuroka had a bit of trouble holding back, her sage flame magic overpowered Rias's power of destruction from the sheer difference in energy alone. Rias was badly bruised and beaten.

Kuroka: you alright?

Rias: I'm down for the moment

Kuroka began to heal her injuries using her sage magic (senjutsu).

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