Chapter Five: Brunch with the Girls

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After another small exchange, you put your lingerie back ok as he took your hand and walked you out of the room back to the main kitchen. He then poured you a small cup of water, grabbed you two Tylenol for your headache, and asked again to ensure that you're ok after everything. You reassured him that everything was fine and that you would be happy to meet with him again. You both said goodbye to each other and the minute he walked out the door you got a text on your phone that showed as "Dan".

" Drive home safely! Also, the next time we meet there's no need to wear anything specific. Can't wait to see what's under that mask."

You just replied with a quick thank you and that you can't wait to see what was under his mask as well. Just as you sent this text, Grace came over, looking particularly exited.

"Soooo. How was it?"

"He honestly wasn't that bad, it was really nice to experience all those feelings again. He also really knew what he was doing. He told me his skill set and it was just what I was looking for. He put his Fetlife account in my phone and texted me to make sure our drive home safely. He was actually really sweet after play happened, his energy was awesome."

"I knew you would like him Y/N! We have been friends for a couple of years now and he's really good for new people coming into the scene again. After you guys meet, tell me how it goes!"

"You know I will. I'll see you around?"

"Of course."

You and Grace exchanged goodbyes not long after has she got your coat for you and she saw you out of her house to your car. The minute you got your car you got yet another stinging sensation on your bottom as you try to sit in the driver seat. When you finally managed to sit all the way down in your seat, you could not stop thinking about what I just happened. You haven't felt that way in so long it was something you wish you got back into earlier. You couldn't wait to meet this guy in person again to discuss rules and limits.

"That was amazing" you said letting out a gasp of air. It really was amazing.

One thing you kept wondering to yourself all night one who is behind that mask? What would he think when he saw your face when you met in person again?
Once you got home you finally took off your coat and went into your bedroom. You got out a nice cozy pair of pajamas and brought them into the bathroom with you. You started to fill it up with water, you receive another text from this "Dan".

" Just wanted to check in and see if you got home safely, we should set up a time to meet possibly next weekend? I'm quite busy during the week so doing this over the weekend would be very helpful."

You shot back a reply

" Im doing pretty good, thanks for asking. I agree that we should possibly meet next weekend. I am also relatively busy during the week with my job so I think that setting a time to meet would be very helpful."

After that you set your phone down and finish your bath. At this point you were dying to meet him, he seemed like such a genuine guy and you couldn't wait for this week of work to be done with. Its not like you were into him or anything though, he just might be a possible Dominant to help get you back on the scene. He probably wouldn't even date you if you tried.

The rest of the weekend was filled with you doing boring adult things. Every weekend was relatively the same. You go grocery shopping and occasionally hang out with some friends. On Sunday morning you got a text from Garcia and Emily asking if you wanted to go to brunch with the girls. Of course you excepted, it's always fun when you go hang out with the girls.

You got dressed putting on a pair of blue ripped jeans and a red blouse. Brunch wasn't anything super fancy, but you like to dress up occasionally. You put on light natural make up, along with a pair of black, small heeled boots. You added some Silver jewelry, grabbed your purse and you were out the door on your way.

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