The room went still, into a state of utter silence. The silence enveloped the whole room and lasted for what felt like hours.
Spencer's face slowly moved from the ground to meet yours, a look of shock yet not of disappointment grew over his face.
"W-What...." This was the only word Spencer could stutter out of his mouth before backing away from your body, dropping the knife to the ground.
Of course you weren't actually pregnant, you were just bluffing. Well hey, this would actually be a pretty good time to see Spencer's reaction if you were.
"Y/N... why didn't you say something. I would have stopped drugs if I knew." Spencer almost looked disappointed in himself, looking back at Cat, trying to profile her response.
"What the fuck. What the actual fuck! Why would you do that Y/N when you have me?!" Cat screamed, the rage in her voice apparent.
"Cat I-" You stuttered.
Your plan was backfiring.
Oh god.
Cat didn't seem to like this statement, for her having seemed angry. The only thing you worried about was stalling, not counting in the fact Cat would be angry at you.
Cat had the upper hand with a gun, Spencer having dropped his knife and you still being tied up. You couldn't move and Spencer didn't have enough time to pick the knife back up without getting shot in the face.
You felt trapped, like you made the wrong choice.
Why did you have to say that?! You really couldn't come up with any other idea to help stall her?! Why? Why did you do that! Because of you, Spencer could die!
Spencer could die...
You couldn't go on living with the idea that your own words are what killed the only person who ever cared for you. The only person who truly loved you.
Spencer loved you, and you loved him. Cat could ruin all of it with a single movement of her right finger.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the blue and red flashing cop car lights. It wouldn't be long until someone came in here to help you in Spencer. You just had to fend her off for a little bit longer.
Your brain tried to come up with stalling tactics, trying no to think of Spencer dying, when Cat's voice ripped through your thoughts.
"I might as well finish the both of you off myself." Her face is turning red, you could see the rage in her ready to explode. She was ready to do it.
"Cat please, it wasn't his fault, I was the one who said we didn't need protection ok..." Trying to keep up with the act, you pulled out the usual tears, as well as some sniffles for dramatic effect.
"Who gives a shit anymore? My life isn't worth living knowing you were a whore with another person. If I can't have you, nobody can.'' Cat's voice started to break, almost as if she was actually sad.
"It's ok Cat, just put the gun down and we can talk..." You pleaded, Spencer now fully facing Cat's direction.
Spencer looked scared, truly and completely scared. Not just for himself, but for you.
"You did this to her, you got her pregnant and you deserve the consequences!" Cat yelled, aiming the gun at you, firing a single shot.
She fired the gun, the blow echoing throughout the room.
The bullet almost went in slow motion, taking what felt like forever to get to you.
She didn't fire at Spencer, but at you. She wanted Spencer to suffer the rest of his life without you.
That was the consequence.
Spencer having to live with the fact you died because of him.
The bullet made its way to the left side of your abdomen, ripping through your skin, the pain being completely overbearing.
It was so bad you almost didn't feel anything. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head, your ears ringing, eyesight foggy.
You were losing consciousness.
The only thing you could observe was Hotch screaming "Shots fired!", hearing a door slam open. You could faintly see Emily and Morgan rushing into the room, Hotch behind with SWAT.
Cat ran to a back door, while Spencer rushed over to your side.
"Y-Y/N, please come on stay with me." He cried, gently removing the ties and getting you sat up on the floor.
You could see his hands covered in blood, your blood.
"Please stay with me, no no! Don't close your eyes. Y/N!" He yelled, his voices more aggressive.
"It's so cold Spencer..." Breathing out your words, trying to speak to him.
"I know, I know. Just don't close your eyes, you understand?" He tried to whisper over all the chaos.
Eyes fluttering, your vision got increasingly more blurry, Spencer being nothing but a silhouette.
"It's ok Spencer... let me go." You tried to let out, breathing becoming slow.
"No NO! Y/N you have to stay awake. Please..." He was sobbing at this point, being able to hear it in his voice.
Everything felt so....
Despite all the chaos, SWAT flooding the room, and Emily's cries in the background, everything felt so still.
Is this what it felt like to die? Is this what it feels like to go?
You didn't want to die, but it felt like the only option.
Morgan and Hotch stood by, letting medics rush through to get you help.
The room became increasingly more dark, Spencers yells becoming quieter. You couldn't quite feel any pain, it was too strong and overbearing.
If death was the only way out, you didn't want Spencer to think it was his fault, you couldn't do that to him. His tears falling to the floor, you lifted your head a slight bit more, being able to whisper softly to him-
"If I die, let me..." A single breath leaving your lips.
Spencer staring down at your body, covered in blood, medics began to rush to your side.
"Sir, I'm going to need you to step away-" They tried to tell Spencer, him not moving a muscle.
"No please I can't leave her. Please!" He cried for you, embracing your body and holding you tighter.
"Sir you need to step away from the woman so we can help her-" They tried once again, Spencer not giving in.
"Im not leaving her...please..." He was pleading, crying into your shoulder, for he was still hugging your body.
"Reid..." Hotch began, approaching the scene.
"I know it's hard, but you have to let her go." He stated, gently pulling Spencer away by the waist.
"No NO! SHE CANT DIE!" Spencer yelled.
"It's ok Reid, it's ok." Hotch calming Spencer down.
"Please..." He all the sudden loosened his grip, Hotch pulling him away into a hug.
Spencer began to cry in Hotch's arms while the medics took your BP, as well as assessing the wound.
All you could hear and see was Spencer just crying in Hotch's arms. He was being completely vulnerable. You could almost hear Hotch crying as well, for he had lost Haley only 2 years ago.
You didn't want Spencer to lose you too, but the fight felt like it was coming to an end. Eyes fluttering closed, heart rate coming down, breathing becoming increasingly slower, everything just went black.
Completely black.

Pleasures a Crime Worth Committing
FanfictionYour first year at the BAU has been everything you expected, it was something you enjoyed and were passionate about. Everything in your life remains normal. You have a stable apartment and you friendship with your coworkers is strong. That is until...