Chapter Thirty Five: The Games Begin

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The studio was about 15 minutes away, and to be honest, it felt like the longest 15 minutes of your whole life. Every second that passed was another second Cat was alone with Spencer.

It was scary. She could do anything she wanted to him, just because the two of your loved each other. She always seemed off, but nothing like this.

Was this her way of trying to earn your back?

Who knows.

Pulling up to the large warehouse, it was dead silence. There were a few streetlights keeping the sidewalk lit up, but other than that, it was pitch black. It smelled almost musty, the air feeling restricting.

This was your last chance to back out, this was your opportunity to leave and stay safe.

You could feel every other part of your body telling you to back out, but your heart was screaming at you to go in there. If anything happened to Spencer, you would blame yourself for the rest of your waking life.

You had to. You had to because you love him.

Approaching the large metal door, he slowly slid it open, creaking echoed throughout the entire warehouse, breaking the dead silence.

Looking inside, you took notice of the pitch black room. The warehouse had no lights, or they were turned off.

Before you could even step forward, you heard a female voice echoing through the building.

"Looks like we have got some company...Spencie."

That was Cat, you could hear it in her voice.

"What do you want?" You heard your voice surrounding you, the room still being pitch black.

"You." Cat stated, the lights suddenly flashing on. They were not insanely bright, but enough to make you squint.

Once adjusted, you fully opened your eyes to see Spencer tied down to a chair and cat behind him with a gun in her hand. It looked just like the dream you had... only this time, it was real.

" I have a seat just for you, don't worry." Cat pointed her finger at a chair that was placed directly across Spencer.

You were too far away to actually see Spencer's face and what was going on, so you moved closer.

Once you have gotten to a substantial distance, you could see Spencer's face was bruised, his nose bleeding. You could see his tear stained cheeks, along with his forearms tied down to the chair, facing up.

"Spencer..." You tried to let out words, but you almost felt to scared to even do so. Cat was the only person with a weapon here. She could just kill all of you on the spot, so why hasn't she?

"Take a set bubs, we have a lot to discuss." Cat pointed at the chair across from Spencer.

"DONT call me that." You stated with force, trying not to seem scared.

"I can call you whatever the hell I want. Now, get thats pretty little ass of yours in the chair." She clocked her gun up at you, motioning it to the seat.

"Y/N, you don't have to do this, you can leave..." Spencer's voice was so timid, you could hear his fear.

"No, let her join the party." Cat demanded, whispering something into Spencer's ear afterwards, causing him to go all wide-eyed.

Approaching the chair, you place yourself in it, sitting directly across from Reid.

Finally, you got to take a closer look at him.

He was in a horrible state. You could see a bruise on his cheek, as well as his nose bleeding. She must've punched him across the face and broken his nose or something. They were scrapes all along his body, at least where you could see the base of his skin.

"What did you do to him. Why?" You began to question, Cat moving towards your body, duct tape in hand.

"I..." She started, wrapping the tape around your wrists, attaching you to the chair. "I am doing this for us, sweetie."

"For us?" You could see the tears fogging up your eyesight, not being able to fully move your body, for your arms were now duck taped to the chair.

"For us." Cat recited, making her way back to Spencer.

The only way to be able to take down cat was to pretend that you were still in love with her. Even if it were to break Spencer's heart, she needed that kind of reassurance If you both wanted to get out of here alive.

"Good. Spencer wasn't even that good for me anyways." You started, cat immediately hearing this and whipping her head around to face you.

"He wasn't, I though you two were in love or some shit..." She questioned, strutting back over to you, placing her hands on your shoulders behind the chair.

"No Cat, I was so in love with you that I could never stop thinking about you. I miss you. I miss us..." You looked up at her, batting your eyes.

"You still care about me...?" Her voice began to break, you glancing at Spencer, tears gradually falling down his cheeks.

"Of course I do. Cat, you really think that I would fall for a man? Men are stupid, not worth the time. You on the other hand, are worth the time." She was falling into your trance, you could see her eyes staring deeply into yours, looking for your facial expressions.

"How do I know your telling the truth? You could just be a liar like him." She pointed the gun at Spencer once again, causing him to flinch.

"Would you like me to prove it...?" You questioned, looking at Cat, then slowly turning to face Spencer once again.

"Let's play a game, I'm great at games." She now stood right in the middle of you and Spencer, leaving room for you to look at each other.

Despite what you had said earlier, while Car looked at you, Spencer flashed you a small wink, letting you know that he was ok.

A game? What kind of game?

"What kind of game, Cat." Spencer asked, her immediately flashing the gun at him.

"I'll tell you, once I get a kiss." Returning to face you, she navigates to the Side of your chair. Getting down on one knee, she leveled her face to be maybe 5 inches away from yours.

"Kiss me Y/N, if your just so in lov-" Cat tried to say, before you cut her off with a strong, passionate kiss.

there was no emotion, it was just skin touching skin.

Cat did enjoy it though, her two hands gripping the sides of your face and her lips becoming increasingly more aggressive.

You had both been kissing for about 10 seconds, breaking it up after Spencer suddenly yelled-

"Can we just start the game please?!"

Suddenly stopping, Cat slowly turned her head to look at Reid. The second he recognized, he throws up like a statue.

He soon realized that he had provoked her, he had made her angry, he had sent her over the edge.

"Will you shut the hell up! You heard her, she doesn't love you! And we are going to prove it." Cat screamed, suddenly returning to her feet, a smile growing on her face.

"I know exactly what we are going to play..."

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