Waking up the next morning around 6:00 am, you slowly got out of bed, still sore from Saturday night. The limp was still slightly there, along with hickeys lining your collarbone, breasts, and stomach. You moved over to your closet, selecting a white button up and a plain white pleaded skirt. Despite this outfit being just enough for work, you felt your hand subconsciously gravitating towards Spencer's sweater vest he had given you last night. Was it really such a bad idea to wear it to work?
Yes Y/N, it is. What if someone from work asks you about it? You don't need anyone at work knowing about you an Reids "thing". But teasing Spence at work with it sure sounded like fun.
"Fuck it." You said out loud to yourself, throwing it onto your bed along with your shirt and skirt. If anyone asks, just say you went shopping, right?
As you put on your clothes, tucking your button up into your kirt, you put on the sweater. Somehow, it smelt just like him. You could never explain it, but he just had a certain smell to himself, its not like you minded it though. Putting on the usually naturals makeup and curling your hair into a half up half down style once again, you moved to jewelry. You decided on a pearl necklace and a simple silver necklace with your birthstone on it, along with a pearl bracelet and a silver ring on your middle finger and pointer finger. Grabbing your go-bag to put back in your car and your usual white purse, you checked the time. It was already 6:58?! Spencer your be here any minute now. You rushed over to your coat closet, grabbing your jacket and opted of a pair of white air force 1s, keeping in mind the fact you were still sore and had a slight limp.
Right as you slipped on your sneakers, you heard a knock at he door. Spencer was here. As you stumbled back onto your feet, you threw your head up, fixing your hair. Reaching out for the door, you looked through your peep hole in your door. He was standing there, two coffees in each of his hands, looking around waiting for you.
Y/N, its not to late to change your sweater and leave this one at home, Spencer might not want this. Before another thought could run through your brain, you felt yourself opening the door. Spencer turned to you, looking directly at the sweater. Instead of saying anything about it, he just smiled. His smile seemed so genuine, he really was happy to see you in his sweater. Reaching out his arm, you grabbed your coffee from him.
Spencer had on his usual work outfit on. A pair of black khakis, a plain white button up with a grey sweater vest over it and a black tie. He of course wore his favorite black converse with mismatch socks. He didn't have on any rings of his necklace, considering he was going into work after all. Too bad, you liked when Spencer wore jewelry.
As you left your apartment, locking the door behind you, you felt a hand touch your lower back. It was Spencer's hand. He was rubbing the material of the vest.
" I see you like the sweater." He laughed out, sipping his coffee.
"Do you mind me wearing it? I don't want anyone to think, you know." Looking at him as you both entered the elevator, pressing the button to the main floor, he looked back at you.
"They wont think anything of it, trust me." He reassured you with yet another smile. Him telling your this made you feel a little better about it, but not completely. If anyone found out about the two of your, it was over. Everything.
.....As you and Reid both arrived to work in his car, walking out of the elevator onto floor six, you saw Garcia waiting by the glass doors for you and Spencer. Her face was covered with concern and worry. Did something happen to another team member? Was it Emily? Was it a case?
"Guys, we got a bad one, and you two kids might mainly be working on this one. Or at least that's what i heard from Hotch. Just meet up with everyone at the round table." Her laptop as by her hip as she made a small tapping sound every time her pink stilettos hit the ground.

Pleasures a Crime Worth Committing
FanfictionYour first year at the BAU has been everything you expected, it was something you enjoyed and were passionate about. Everything in your life remains normal. You have a stable apartment and you friendship with your coworkers is strong. That is until...