Waking up the next day, you tried your best to pull yourself together for work. You just felt gross, violated, not like yourself.
It was odd, as you got dressed you didn't put of anything special, considering Spencer wouldn't be at work. It's not like you dressed up for him everyday, it was just kind of an added bonus. Slipping on a simple white collared button up, Spencer's purple sweater vest, and a pair of loose khakis with a belt, you made your way out the door just on time.
Getting in your car, you just sat there in utter silence. It's not like you wanted to be sad right before work or anything, but you just were feeling down on yourself.
You didn't wanna listen to sad music or have the windows rolled down in tears falling down your cheeks, you just wanted a moment of peace and silence in your car by yourself. You know at the office that nobody can get to you or hurt you, that's the only place you would really feel safe at right now.
Driving yourself to the unit, you slowly approached the bullpen, no greeting from Spencer. When Spencer was in the office, it just always fell off. He usually go up to Morgan and annoy him about tedious new facts he'd learned over night, Morgan typically walking away to Garcias layer.
You are the only person Spencer could really talk to you about the stuff, you enjoyed him telling you a new facts.
" Why hello there Y/N! Dig the sweater! Have you worn out in the office before?" JJ commented, walking by with a large stack of files in her arms, just enough to make you worry.
" Yeah, I think I've worn this maybe twice. Do you really think it suits me?" You asked, placing down your purse and go bag under your desk.
"Where ever you scored that, next time get me one!" JJ added, turning her head back and strutting her way to Hotch's office.
Oh how you wish Spencer was here.
By the end of the workday on that Friday, you drive yourself home and had takeout once again. Considering the fact that Spencer it wasn't in town and that he would be coming back tomorrow night, you decided to stay in and watch the movies while you played out his party.Of course the office with hold him a huge birthday party on Monday, but you want to do something more personal. You wanted to do something just for him, on his birthday, in his apartment. Something special.
Well one of your favorite sitcom's, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, played in the background, you begin planning out a dinner. You would cook a nice combo more meal for him when he got home, then moving onto baking him a cake that you would leave in the oven, and after maybe another form a special treat. That treat being you.
Having BDSM sex with Spencer Reid on his birthday would definitely be a present on its own.
Speaking of BDSM with Spencer, the last time something felt different. It wasn't the sex, it was the aftermath.
When you two had fun with each other and did facemask and skin care together. It was just something fun that you want to do with him again. You already knew aftercare was one of your favorite parts of BDSM, but with Spencer it just felt different.
.....It was here. Spencer's birthday. You had decorated him apartment, him giving you a key for emergency's only. You placed a banner above the dinner table along with a lovely, delicious home cooked dinner. You cooked everything at your place and brought it over, just so he didn't have to worry about cleaning up afterwards.
Placing the cake into the fridge and setting out wine glasses, you heard someone approaching Spencer's door.
Quickly flicking off the lights, you ran to place yourself behind the couch, hiding in the dark.

Pleasures a Crime Worth Committing
FanfictionYour first year at the BAU has been everything you expected, it was something you enjoyed and were passionate about. Everything in your life remains normal. You have a stable apartment and you friendship with your coworkers is strong. That is until...