You were woken up by a loud, intense banging on the door. Still on his chest, his arms behind his head, you slowly began to open your eyes.
Lifting your head from his chest, you looked at the clock from across the room. It was 3am. Who the hell was at your hotel room door at 3am?
Spencer still asleep, you gradually lifted yourself off of the bed, the floors creaking. Spencer was actually a pretty heavy sleeper. Once, he slept through an entire night out in Vegas on a single, small couch. The thing is, the couch was right outside of the actual casino. The team had forgotten he was banned at almost every single casino in Vegas so he just had to wait it out.
Anyways, back to the loud bangs coming for the other side of your hotel room door. You had heard only 3 bangs on the wood, probably from someone's fist.
Making your way to the door, you turned the knob, peeking your head out into the hallway.
To your surprise, nobody was there. The hall remained empty, lit up by the occasional ambient lights. Looking around, your eye caught on to one object that did indeed seem out of place.
It was a letter. The envelope addressed to you. It read:
"Addressed to Y/N Y/L/N, and to only her"
That was just straight up weird. Who would straight up leave a letter in front of your hotel room, especially on a case?
"Maybe it's just one of the girls, Emily might be getting back at you for that wine prank you pulled on her a few months ago." You whispered to yourself, now standing in the hallway, inspecting the letter.
Eventually, you let those thoughts fade to the back of your mind, opening the envelope. Eyes skimming the paper, you whispered out loud to yourself the note;
Dear Y/N,
Hope this finds you well, I'm glad you have chosen to read this letter. I know what your thinking right about now... "who on earth is this letter from?". Well, I don't give in that easily.
Or shouldn't you be the one saying that?
"I don't give in that easily". Yes, I know some things about you nobody else does, things you wouldn't want to get out. If you really thought you could get away with something like this, you should have had your doubts.
Show me you don't want this stuff out. Tomorrow, go out to the boardwalk. Once there, next to the main entrance, you will see taped on the closest right street lap poll a note. Also, don't show this to him. I'll know...
Have fun.
- You know whoWhat? Someone knew about your sneaking around with Spencer? This was either some elaborate ass prank or someone was really watching you.
The first thing that you thought was "why don't you just go to the team with this?". They could probably help you find out who this was in no time. Thinking you could bring this up to the team in the morning, you checked the envelope once again to see if anything else was inside.
Something else was inside. Oh my god.
It was photos. At least ten of them. You at the play party, pictures of you and "Dan" through the window, and even some of you two at dinner.
Who the fuck was this? You couldn't show this to the team. These photos, the note, they would know about you and Spencer AND they would know you both the BDSM. You felt like you were all out of options. You couldn't even tell Spencer about it, you didn't want him getting involved in this shit show.
Just try and go back to sleep, don't mention this to the team, and certainly don't tell Spencer. Shouldn't be that hard, right?
....It was that hard. The whole rest of the night was you sitting, legs crossed, on the bed next to Reid. Every other minute, you would look over at him, just to make sure he was ok. You cared about him, that was why you couldn't tell him. You wanted him safe.
Eventually, the alarm next to you went off, immediately waking up Spencer. For you though, still sitting up on the bed the entire night meant no sleep, which meant you definitely needed to load up on the coffee.
Spencer immediately began to rub his eyes, grabbing his glasses from the bedside desk.
"Hey Y/N, your already awake?" His voice was croaky, groaning as he spoke. He adjusted himself, sitting up on the bed, his hand rubbing your back. Before shifting your eyes to Spencer's face, you had been starting at the wall, almost staring into space.
"Yea, natural sleep cycle I guess." You moved your legs over the edge of the bed, standing up while Spencer was still trying to wake up.
"Actually, when it comes to your natural sleep schedule, studies have shown..." Spencer started, going on a tangent about sleep for the rest of the morning as you both got ready. It was like you had a living, walking science podcast following you around. Great way to start the day, no sleep, Spencer's facts, and a creepy ass note WITH photos. Great way.
....Finally, you made the arrest for the hotel owner. He had photos from every scene in a scrapbook, almost to remember and prove to himself he committed those crimes. The interview was lead by Hotch and Prentiss, considering how Spencer acted last time, you two wouldn't be interviewing suspects for a bit.
He confessed and was brought to the local P.D. That was it, the case was over and closed. What now?
After the team had been gathered up by Hotch once back at the hotel, everyone sitting around the fireplace in the waiting room. Hotch approaching the front of the room, he pulled up Rossi.
"We have decided that you guys haven't had a vacation day in a bit, so, me and Rossi agreed that we could stay here an extra day. Just for a small break before we dive into this next case." Hotch stated to everyone, eyeing Rossi.
"Actually, it was mostly me arguing with Hotch to let this happen, but I know you kiddos need it. Hotch was being a hard ass about it to be honest." Rossi laughed out.
You could tell Rossi was telling the truth by the eye roll Hotch flashed after he had said this.
Another night of sharing a hotel room with spencer? You could either put this to use and find out what's in that box, or go to the post out by the boardwalk. There wasn't much time to think about it, considering it was already 5 and the team wanted to eat dinner together.
"Girl night?" Garcia whispered to you, Emily, and JJ.
"Of course!" JJ replied under her breath, Prentiss holding her thumb up. It was just you now, should you?
"Actually, I think I just need a solid night's sleep. Spencer was kind enough to take the couch so I get the king to myself." You whispered, a frown growing on Garcias face.
"I totally get it, but we definitely need to do something all together soon!" Emily placed her hand on top of yours right before Rossi swept up everyone in the SUV and to the restaurant.
.....You ended up just going to a local diner, which was apparently one of the only actual restaurants in this town. You and the team had to connect four tables in order to actually eat together. Spencer and you sat at opposite ends of the table the entire time, reminding you of the last time you had gone out to dinner with the whole team. That night sure was fun.
After everyone had finished eating, the team pilled back into the SUV, you and Spencer getting squished next to each other.
" Hey there." Spencer jokingly said, his face no more that 5 inches from yours. His demeanor was more timid and awkward than how he had been acting this past week.
"Hey..." You chuckled, looking at him, his eyes focused on your lips.
"I have to go to the store and grab a few things for the hotel room, would you want to come with me?" Spencer's voice could be clearly heard over everyone else's, his tone was sweet and innocent. That couldn't be a good sign.
"Umm sure I guess. We can just walk, there's a store right next to the hotel." You commented, smiling. Spencer suddenly had an ear to ear grin on his face, something was definitely on his mind.
Oh god.
Does this have to do with the box he had in his bag at the beginning of this trip?
Why would you go to the grocery store if all places for something like that-

Pleasures a Crime Worth Committing
FanfictionYour first year at the BAU has been everything you expected, it was something you enjoyed and were passionate about. Everything in your life remains normal. You have a stable apartment and you friendship with your coworkers is strong. That is until...