Chapter 1

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Three more hours. Reina thought to herself.

Three more hours until she could finally see him again.

And with that final thought, Reina Setsushi closed her eyes, letting the roaring aeroplane engine lull her to sleep.

It had been three years, 1094 days to be exact, since Reina had last seen, and heard from, her childhood friend and partner in crime, Tooru Oikawa. Seeing as their parents used to be friends and their birthdays were a few days apart, Reina and Tooru had spent every moment together, they were, for the lack of better words, inseparable. That was until the Oikawa's, minus Tooru, and the Setsushi's, par Reina, had a falling out. This argument between the four adults began when the two children were halfway through their third year in junior high and, unfortunately for the two teenagers, ended with the Setsushi's packing their stuff and leaving on the next available flight to Europe.

While the four adults thought it was a brilliant idea at the time, they didn't realise the dire consequences their actions had on their children, more so on Reina then on Tooru. At first, it was nothing major, small outbursts and periodical isolation but then, Reina started to avoid her parents and other children, locking herself in her room, only leaving for school or to eat, or even not at all. Her parents brushed off her behaviour as her 'teenage' phase.

Now, you might be wondering what that previous argument was about. If you've already forgotten there was an argument, no sweat. It was a fateful argument between the Oikawa family and Setsushi family, one that broke the two apart, though fortunately for their two children, their families weren't split entirely. The argument was about a school. A school that had sent an invitation to the two youngest of the families, Reina and Tooru. This school had the sole intention of bringing up young teenagers to become, for the less of words, a weapon. Not the metal, bullet firing weapon you might be thinking about, but a human one. A person who could be used to get into any building in the world, who could easily break someone's neck in a heartbeat and could get any information there was. The Oikawa's outright refused to turn their son into someone like that, but the Setsushi's revelled in the idea of having their daughter become something so powerful. Hence the argument that split the two up. The two children were left in the dark as to the reason for their families fighting, the only thing they did know was that there was no way to change either families' minds.

It had taken Reina just under 5 months to reach the top at the so-called school her parents had enrolled her in. The 'school' was located just outside the border between Scotland and England although a train, eerily similar to that of the Hogwarts Express she had watched on T.V, left from King's Cross Station to the building.

A full 31 months later, Reina found a way to escape from the hell hole. During her time at the institution, she had been forced to do countless missions and, if she failed to comply, she would have been strapped to a metal table and experimented on for a few days, nutrients being fed to her through a drip, similar to those found in hospitals. These missions consisted of hacking for secure information, stealing, seduction-though only for the purpose of theft, and murder. The latter she had only done a few times but was forced to not feel guilty. Of course, she couldn't feel guiltless about taking someone's life, whether innocent or not. The burden she carried on her shoulder sometimes got too much for her, which was when she would climb up Big Ben, the clocktower in London, and simply sit on the roof, silent tears slipping down her pale cheeks. This would usually happen after she had taken someone's life, which she had only done 7 times, including having to kill her own parents so that her training could truly begin. She had considered jumping off the roof the first time, but she quickly shot the idea down. She had a purpose for living, even if she couldn't see him again, everything she did was for him. She clung onto the slim chance that she would get to see him again, to hear his soothing voice. She did it all in the hopes of being with him.

With her Tooru Oikawa.

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