Chapter 3

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(A/N: Whenever someone speaks English, the text is underlined.)

With her head downcast, eyes scanning her phone's dimmed screen, Reina relied on her other senses, namely her sense of hearing, as she weaved past hoards of teenage students. Hearing the bell chime above her, Reina made her way to an empty desk in the classroom, 3-3, switching off her phone in the process.

As class commenced, she noticed many class members shooting her questioning glances to which she ignored and continued planning out both her expenses and what she needed to do to see him.

Reina was fortunate in having an oblivious Homeroom and Math teacher, however, it seemed lady luck had other plans. When the English class commenced, the teacher, whose name Reina had not bothered to remember, honed in on the emerald-eyed girl, reminiscent to that of a hawk.

"And you are?" The teacher asked her in, you guessed it, English.

"Ran Sato. I have enrolled in this school a few days ago. Introductions are not needed." Reina replied in fluent English, bowing slightly to show respect before she moved on to one of the spare seats at the very back of the room. On her way, she glanced at a guy with slightly thick eyebrows, light grey dusted hair that acted as a mop atop his head, a few stray hairs sticking up, his hazel-brown eyes and a gentle smile plastered on his naturally pale face, who waved slightly as she passed him to which her mouth twitched upwards slightly before her expression was once again masked.

The day passed by fairly quickly after that short, unplanned interruption by the English teacher, until it was time for the extracurricular activities, otherwise known as club activities, to begin. Reina made her way to the gym room she had been instructed to go to, finding a few people already inside.

The first person she noticed was what she guessed to be a first year. He had black, cropped hair that hung just above his dark blue eyes, however, that wasn't the most noticeable thing, he seemed to emit an intimidating and annoying aura, the scowl situated on his face and glare was fixated on another first year. However, the second first-year seemed to be the former's complete opposite, with unruly fiery orange hair and hyperactive brown eyes that shone with excitement. The latter first year seemed to be a bundle of pure energy, bouncing up and down while exclaiming nonsense was enough to give anyone a headache.

Two other, taller first years stood slightly off to the side, the taller of the two was much like the first person she had seen, with a frown on his face, however, he had short blond hair, pale skin and a pair of black-rimmed glasses that sat over his light brown eyes. The second male stood beside his fellow brooding first year, with his dark grey-green hair acting like a mop atop his head, a flyaway hair sticking up at the top, much like that of a guy in her class.

Reina then turned her attention to the other side of the gymnasium, only to find the same dusty-haired male from her previous classes talking to two others, which she assumed were also third years. The first had dark brown eyes, a few shades lighter than his short, dark hair, the man himself gave off an aura of authority as he stood tall, differing majorly from the other man the two were talking to who stood with slightly slouched shoulders. His timid nature contrasted with the man's dark brown flowing hair that was tied into a tight bun at the back of his head, a small scruff of hair could be seen growing at his chin.

Reina didn't have to wait long for someone to spot her, in fact, not even half a second after stepping inside, a man with a buzz cut and blue-grey eyes gave a cry of delight, practically jumping to where she stood.

"And what might a pretty lady like yourself be doing here?" The near-bold male questioned, leaning toward her. If it were any other person, they would have taken a step back, however, Reina stood her ground, not in the slightest afraid.

Reina opened her mouth to reply when the same dusty haired third year from her class jogged over, having recognised her.

"Oh hey, you're new here right? Well, this is the men's Volleyball club, do you have a desired club to join? I'm Sugawara Koshi, by the way." He introduces with the same gentle smile as before.

Shy or seductive?

Reina needed to choose quickly to develop her persona which she needed to win the team over and see her Tooru again. Reina quickly made up her mind, a mixture of both it was.

She returned his smile, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her left ear before folding her arms just below her chest, squeezing slightly so that her breaths appeared slightly bigger, revealing her cleavage to the men in front of her making both their eyes trail down to her raised chest.

"Ran Sato." Reina lied, putting her first name before her last, temporarily forgetting the difference when introducing oneself in Europe and Japan. "I was actually thinking about joining as a manager, seeing as Kiyoko-chan moved to Australia, I thought-" Reina was cut off by the buzz-cut male letting out an indignant cry of surprise.

"Australia?!" The second year cried, blue-grey eyes practically bugging out of his head. "Wait, you know Kiyoko-san? Tell her how handsome you thought I was when you next see her-"

His personality seemed to change in the blink of an eye, having completely forgotten anything and everything he had been thinking a few seconds previously, and instead began to harass the raven-head about the team's ex-manager. Fortunately for Reina, she didn't need to reply, Sugawara saving her yet again.

"The new manager? You'll have to talk to Daichi, the captain or Coach Ukai-"

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