~ 7 ~ what now?

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Min kyu's point of view:

It was loud since the saw was huge. A little scream came out of Soo-ah because of dropping it. I heard a noise from in front of me. I realized Soo-ah caused Felix to wake up. My heart started to beat faster and faster and because of the way Soo-ah looked at me with her widened blue eyes, I knew hers was too. "He can't do anything," I said to Soo-ah, knowing Felix was too firmly tied, after seeing Soo-ah's face get more worried.

Her face quickly softened as I said that, knowing she calmed down, and so did mine. As we both looked at Felix again at the same time, we saw Felix trying to get out of the rope, struggling. I looked at Soo-ah then quickly looked back at Felix, his muscles quickly started to rise, getting tougher, stronger, and veinier because of the amount of force he was using.

Writers point of view

Min-kyu and Soo-ah walked closer to Felix as they knew there was nothing he could do. They looked at Felix trying to get out of the rope tied across him, as Felix still didn't notice Soo-ah and Min-kyu. As Felix saw a shadow glancing on him. Soo-ah and Min-kyu looking at Felix slowly looking up.

Felix finally meets the eye of Min-kyu and Soo-ah, the last 2 people he would suspect of doing this, Min-kyu being his best friend and Soo-ah being the girl he burned alive. Min-kyu and Soo-ah looked up at Felix, confident, as Felix's dark eyes widened, anger building up in him. Soo-ah could tell he was trying to speak but didn't know what to say. "How-?" being the only word able to escape from Felix's mouth as even more anger started building up to him.

"How am I alive?" asked Soo-ah, looking straight into Felix's eyes, smiling a little. "Yea, I don't know either. I almost died. I would be dead if it weren't for Min-kyu." Soo-ah said, smiling at Min-kyu as Min-kyu smiled back at her confidently, and proudly at the fact that he wanted to do this since forever but couldn't. Min-kyu finally got the chance and didn't let it go to waste, looking back at Felix shortly after. "Kim Min-kyu!" yelled Felix in too much anger, his face red, while looking at Min-kyu. Felix, still trying to get out of the grip of the rope.

Min-kyu gave a chuckle as he came closer to Felix. Min-kyu had a dark greyish remote with him, bending down on his knees. "You ready?" said Min-kyu looking at Felix. "No, not this, not this chair! Min-kyu I thought you were my buddy, my partner in crime, we spent so many years together, I did so much for you..." Felix said looking... apologetic... kind of begging Min-kyu to stop. Min-kyu had it enough, he knew Felix did this because I was just a good hacker that might be useful for his mafia work. I wasn't just there for him to use me. Obviously, I agreed since he was paying me a lot but I couldn't let him kill people. I didn't mind the fact that he's kidnapping or playing around with money but killing people? I didn't like that at all. gave a quick look at Soo-ah before clicking on the remote.

Min-kyu and Soo-ah's heads quickly turn to Felix, as they saw him getting a huge shock through his veins. A disturbed look came across Soo-ah's face, making her turn her face a little. Min-kyu liked that Felix was getting tortured after killing too many innocent people.

Min-kyu turned off the shock with the remote. Felix was breathing uncontrollably. His face was red. "Just kill him" Soo-ah finally gets the guts to tell Min-kyu... annoyed a little. "No... please no...," Felix said, crying. Min-kyu didn't care, almost like he didn't hear Felix say it. Min-kyu clicked the highest setting of shock from the remote, electrocuting Felix. As Min-kyu clicked on the highest setting button, Soo-ah and Min-kyu immediately heard the painful scream of Felix.

"I can't hear this," Soo-ah said, closing her ears. "Me neither," Min-kyu said, they both looked away, closing their ears. Felix being shocked to death. After a few minutes, Soo-ah and Min-kyu looked at each other, accomplished. "W-what do we do now?"

Soo-ahs asked, a little worried. "Uhh, I don't know? I guess h-hide his body?" said Min-kyu. "Why didn't we plan this?!" Soo-ah yelled. "Okay, just think of something to do now!" Min-kyu yelled. "Fine" Soo-ah said as both of them were thinking what to do with a dead mafia in front of them. 

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