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There he is, the Dream Demon.
Sitting on his throne as he looked down at the humans he had in his grasp, a captivating sight as they attempted to fight their way out of their cages, no use of course, as they were only mere mortals.
"Come on, Meat sacks. Give it up" he says with a smirk as he's back into his human form.
No one acknowledged his words as they kept trying to fight their ways out of the cages, but there he sat, laughing, with a rather large grin, until finally, Love and Pinetree appears to the throne room.
"Bill! Let them go!" Dipper was the first to speak, his fists clenched and as he spoke he gave the Demon a glare, which only made Bills grin larger.
Stella on the other hand ran up to the girls, "Kaycee, Mabel! Hang in there, okay" she says with a small smile, not really reassuring but what else can really be done? No one is no match for the Dream Demon, or maybe.. someone is.
Bill looked back down at the boy and jumped down to him, "I'm so glad to see you've finally joined the party, Pinetree. Like what I've done with the place?" He then wraps his arm around the boy and holds his cheeks with his hand, "Look, the people that betrayed you, all together, stuck, afraid, worthles-"
Dipper snatches himself away from Bill, "No Bill! This is not what I want! T..this is not what I wanted.."
"Oh! But it is what you wanted! remember? This is part of the deal we made my little Pinetree"
Dipper looks at the Demon then at the ground, remembering that this is what he wanted, he wanted everyone to suffer just as much as he did, but this, this is wrong. How could he have possibly wanted this? His family being tortured by his enemy.
Dipper looked up at his family, but made eye contact with Stella, who gave him a nod and walked over to both him and the Demon, "Bill. Lets make a deal" she says.
Bill raises a brow, "What could you possibly give me now that I have already taken from you?"
Dipper looks up at him, then back at Stella, he was unaware of her plans, everyone, was unaware of her plans really, as.. they've changed.
Stella seemed, troubled, as she fiddled her thumbs together while she looked up at no one but Bill, trying to find the exact words to say, he grew as you say, impatient, crossing his arms with a raised brow, reading her mind was useless because she was completely blank, as if she was under some sort of protection.
"I'll.. love you" is all she said, in a tone lower than a whisper, flushed cheeks and a quivering body. How was she afraid? Of course she was, who wouldn't be afraid confessing her love to a Demon?
Everything became silent, Dipper stood there eye wide not knowing what to say, everyone else just stared jaw dropped. How did no one notice? Every single time Bill was mentioned she would mess with her hair and was unable to give anyone eye contact, memories flooded everyone's minds as they should have payed more attention, could've been prepared to what was going to happen next.
Bill smirked, the smirk became a wide smile, then out his lips a laughter soon followed behind, "Love me?" Is what he responded back, placing a hand on her cheek as he caresses it so, "Oh, Love. Life has been nothing but disastrous to you, hasn't it? Why would you commit yourself to me?"
She smiles back at him, a giggle coming after, "I mean.." her smile grows larger, mischievous, creating chills to go down Dippers spine, "That was the plan, wasn't it?"
Ford was the first to speak, "Stella! What are you talking about?! Don't do this!"
Stan couldn't speak, as if he just knew this was going to happen, all he did was turn away and sit on the ground, holding onto the bridge of his nose.
"How can you do this?" Says Mabel
"Stella. What's going on, why are you doing this to us?" Says Kaycee.
Dipper was the last to speak, grabbing a hold of his best friends hand, forcing her to look at him, "St..Stella.. You don't have to give yourself to him.."
"You're right. I don't." I smiles at him, "I want too." She pulls her hand away and looks back up at the Demon, "I would like to make a deal as well. I know how to break the Barrier so you can be released from Gravity falls. But, I would like for you to free everyone, it's not like you can harm them. So, how about it?"
Bill laughs yet again, "Of course" releasing everyone from the cages, but they remained where they stood, jaw dropped with what they're seeing.
Bills hand engulfs in flames as he looked down at her.

Now, before anyone gets confused, the deal her and Bill made was only for him to be inside of her mind for communication and to control her body, like what happened with Dipper, except for the soul snatching.

Stella doesn't hesitate to grab his hand, shaking it gently before Bill turns into his true self and throwing himself into her mind, leaving his stone self behind.
The young girl now on her knees, looking lifeless as the Dream Demon flooded her mind.
Kaycee runs up to her and grabs her shoulders, "Stella! What do you want us to do?! Wake up!"
"It's no use, when Bill is in the dreamscape in someone's mind, they remain unconscious." Explains Ford
"That's not entirely true, Bill has been controlling her this entire time and she was completely aware and was still able to function, so she can possibly.." be slaps the life out of her, "..Wake up"
It actually worked, gasping for air as her blue eyes meet brown ones, "Mason!" She takes out some sort of machine from her bag and points it to her head, tears filled her eyes as she held it close to her head, nearly stabbing it into herself.
"Where did you get that?!" Yells Ford.
Dipper looked at him, "I'll explain later! we don't have time for this right now! Stella! Stop, we'll find another way!"
She shakes her head, "No. we won't. This is the only way.."
Now, lets rewind a bit, remember when Dipper slapped her awake? Yeah, Bill was fully aware about what was going on, but decided to watch this play through, "She actually loves me.." is what he says to himself, no one can hear him as he's in his world right now. But he didn't know what the machine was, he thought that was some sort of gun, so he did the next best thing, "the next candidate, let's see how this plays out"

"I don't feel him anymore.." Stella says.
"What do you mean?" Asks Dipper.
"At first I couldn't tell when he was inside of me, eventually I felt his presence, as I just did. But I don't feel him anymore..he gone.."
"Maybe he got what he was looking for and left?" Says Kaycee out of the blue, "I mean, he can break deals right?"
All eyes are on Kaycee, " would you possibly know that?" Asks Dipper with a raised brow.
Stella points the machine around to everyone, "He's in one of you!" She shouts, frantically waving it all over the place, "Bill! Where are you?!"
Everyone was wary of each other, the Dream Demon could be inside of anyone, but who? Who else could he really be inside of?
"No. I can't take this anymore, I.." Stella points it once again to her head, but she couldn't pull the trigger, she didn't want to forget about him, how could she? He was the only other being at her side that actually showed that they cared for her, it was hard, she was.. lost.
"Stella, give it to me" says Dipper, without anyone noticing Kaycee had a wide smile on her face, ready for the next set of games to commence.
Stella does as she's told and gives Dipper the machine, pointing it to Kaycee, "Enough is enough" he says, before he shoots it, eradication the very resistance of Bill, completely destroying weirdmaggedon, forcing the henchmaniacs to return from once they came, saving the world.
Kaycee laid there nearly lifeless, just staring into nothing, but it was only for a few moments, as she finally came too and looked around her surroundings.
Stella was sitting by Bill's statue, just staring at it, "Look what you made us do.." she says.
Dipper and Mabel sit by Kaycee as they spoke a bit, trying to give a good lie on why they were there, a picnic did the trick, Kaycee was still a little confused but quickly brushed off the confusion.
Ford and Stan just stood there in utter shock to what just happened, but had agreed to never speak of it again.

Stella sat by that statue for a while, eventually everyone went home, except Dipper of course, as he didn't want to leave her there alone, "Stella, it's time to go.." he says as he puts a hand on her shoulder.
She simply brushes him off, "No.."
"He's.. gone.."
she looks back at him, her eyes, they looked.. lifeless, broken, dead. Dipper couldn't help but feel complete sorrow for her, "I'll just.. be over here.."
Dipper walks off and sits by a tree, Stella turns back towards the Demons statue and puts her hand on his eye before standing up, "we'll meet again.." she sings in a whisper, "I don't know where.. I don't know when.. but I know we'll meet again.." she cries once more as she takes the hand of the Demon.

"Some.. sunny.. day.."

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