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"I wish I could have been there for the puppet show! Sounds exciting!"
"It's not that exciting Kaycee, it's just a regular boring puppet show, the same old ones we've seen in the past"
Kaycee and I spoke on the phone for a little while, she appreciates the video updates I've been sending out to her too.
"Is Dipper going?" She asks
"Nah, he's staying home, he still can't figure out the passcode"
"Tell him I said goodluck! Your Moms calling for me, talk later?"
"Talk later! Bye!"
I hang up the phone and lay back on the bed, I look at the clock beside me, "Oh crap! Mabel! We have to go!"
Mabel grabs everything she needs for the puppet show, I look over to Mason and he rolls his eyes, "See you when you get back Stella" he says still looking at the laptop.
"See you later on Mason" I gather up what I need and head out the door.
I left with Mabel and Stan, we make it to the theater and I was honestly pretty surprised on how many people showed up.

I look into the crowd and I see Mason sitting in the middle of all those people, he sat next to Wendy and Soos. I was pretty confused as he told me he was staying home, I guess he wanted to support Mabel instead, I smiled at the thought, Mabel doesn't deserve his attention but I know he loves her.

The first horrifying act of the puppet show finally ended.
Mabel heads backstage so she can prepare herself and I make my way to her dressing room with her, as she gets changed and prepared I sat on the couch.
"Mabel! Stella!"
Both of us look around for the voice, "Mason?" I'm so confused
Puppet Mason pops up in front of us, giving me a freaking heart attack, Mabel wasn't even phased, "Dipper?" She pokes the puppet in the eye, "It's me! Dipper! Bill took control of my body and he's after the journal!"
"No! I need it for the wedding scene!" Shouts Mabel
"I need the two of you to stop Bill, and get my journal as far away from here as possible, oh and maybe GET MY BODY BACK?!"
Mabel started laughing because of how funny Mason looked angry as a puppet, I glared at her then looked back at him, "I'll make sure to get that Journal for you"
"No! We have to wait until the next act!" Shouts Mabel
"Mabel! This is serious! Bill can control my body forever and you're worried about some puppet weird guy?!"
"Forget Mabel, I'll go and get it"
Mabel scoffs and walks out of the room, "Mason, stay here, okay?"
"I'm not staying here Stella, what if Bill tries to hurt you?"
I smiled at Mason, the concern from his voice was heartwarming, I stared at the puppet for a little while like an idiot, "Stella?"
I flinch harshly when the sudden silence was interrupted by a questioning Mason, "I'm good, um. I'll be right back, Bill won't hurt me"
That was a lie, he's done it in the past why wouldn't he now? But I can't think about myself right now I need to help Mason get his body back from Bill.

The music starts on the stage, Mabel continued with the act, I roll my eyes, "Of course she did"
I scan the room looking for Bill, no where to be found, I run up the stairs then ran to the wedding cake where the Journal is, I tried to reach for it but it was no use, I looked around for a moment making sure I was alone, "Now or never"
I jump into the wedding cake and grabbed the Journal, I cheer to myself until I started falling, I brace for impact but it never came, I hear a loud mischievous laughter that caused me to look up, "Bill.." I say in a low tone.
"Don't you mean, Mason?" Bill laughs as he spoke, I scanned the possessed boy and couldn't help but blush, "It seems I have taken your heart, haven't I, Love?"
I scoff, "Hell no, Cipher"
I can't fall in love with a Demon, why would I? He's been nothing but trouble, I look around for a way out but couldn't, "Don't be like that with me Love, you're hurting me feelings"
I look up at Bill and smiled, which caused him to look at me in confusion, I take my hand out to him as I still clutched onto the Journal with dear life, he smirked and grabbed my hand, pulling me up, when my feet finally touched the metal I looked at Bill, Mason's eyes is all I saw when I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him.

After some time the body of Mason's relaxes, I separate the kiss and looked at his face, he was wanting more, so I took this chance.
I bolted away, I heard him curse under his breath as he chased me, I ran down the stairs and ran towards Mabel's dressing room, "Mason! I got the Journal!" I stood there leaning on the closed door, puppet Mason was still floating there, weird.
"Thank you." I heard relief in his voice, I smiled but that didn't last for long, as the now human Bill is slamming his hands on the door, I instantly had an idea.

I open the door causing Bill to fall onto the floor, I ran out and he of course chased me, eventually he grew tired and fell to the ground, so I took this chance to tickle him, "Stop it! Stoppp!" Then boom! Bill is now out of Mason's body and Mason owns his body once again!
Mason smiled at me and I gave him a cheeky smile in return.
"This will not be the last of me! You hear me!!"
Bill has now taken control of puppet Mason, great.
As Mason argued with Bill, I looked around and saw the button Mabel had for the final act of the play, time for an explosion.
I press the button and it was actually pretty dramatic, how slow the puppets burned in the air, how slow the people in the crowd disbanded, the only people that seemed to have enjoyed this were Mason, Gruncle Stan and myself.
After that fiery event, Mabel runs up to Mason and I with tears in her eyes, "You guys just had to ruin my show! Didn't you?" She yells at us
Mason and I exchange looks, "Mabel, you left Dipper to die basically, you only cared for that boy" I say
"So if we had to stoop to your level so we can protect the people we love, so be it. Screw your puppet show, and screw Gabe"
Mason then grabs my hand and walks us out of here, leaving Mabel in a crying mess on the stage.

Mason and I walked home, talking about the previous events, then I remembered, I kissed Mason/Bill.
I put the tips of my fingers on my lips and thought about it for a longg time, Mason noticed and chuckled, I guess he didn't want to question it.
We make it back to the Shack, everyone's already home, Mason opens the door and I walk in first because you know, Mason's a gentleman-we walk into the kitchen for much needed dinner to find Stan and Mabel sitting in the kitchen, "Kids! How could you ruin the puppet show like that? The explosion was hysterical but now Mabel is here a crying mess" says Stan as he laughs.
"Gruncle Stan! I was possessed by Bill! We had to cause the explosion to defeat him!" Explains Mason
Stan looked at all of us, then at me, "What happened, Stella"
I explained to Stan everything that happened, excluding the kissing part of course, after I finished explaining, Stan grabs the bridge of his nose and sighed, "I'm glad all of you are safe. Mabel, Dipper's your brother and you're supposed to protect him just like he does for you" he gets up and walks over to the stove, "Dipper you need to start trying harder to gain your sisters love and trust, you're smart, you'll know what to do"
I scoff and head upstairs, moments after Mason was right behind me.
We both decided to get changed and head to the Diner.
We spoke for hours about anomalies and conspiracies, Mason finally explains to me what happened to the laptop and I mentioned about Old Man Mcgucket, and how he can probably use it for one of his inventions, Mason liked the idea and agreed.

"So that was my day! How was yours?"
"We went hiking and I learned about flowers and such, oh! And I'm learning how to make medicine from natural elements from the forest!"
Kaycee and I spoke on the phone for a long while as I sat on the roof, Mason sat beside me, just waiting for me to finish the phone call. When I hung up the phone, Mason and I laid back and looked at the stars for a while.

"Hey, Mason?"
"I wish times like this lasted forever"
He laughs a bit, then looks at me,
"So do I, Stella"
I laugh and look back at him with a large grin, we just stared at each other, enjoying the company of course.
But this time.. it felt different, Mason, I adore him, but unfortunately don't love him... right?

What am I doing..?

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