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Stella's POV
It was a glorious morning for everyone living in the Mystery shack!
I woke up extra early this morning with Mason and we both decided to make breakfast for the two grumos of the house, oh! Let me not forget why it's a glorious moment.
"Kaycee's coming home?" Ask Mason as he wisps the pancake batter, I look at him with a rather large grin, "Yes! I am so happy!" I kept jumping for joy, but this time when I jumped.. I didn't land back on the ground.
"Uhh, Stella?!" Mason is in a panic, but I look at him and smile, "Whats going on Stella?!"
"Hey, it's okay.." I reach my hands out to him and he grabs mine, we're both in mid air right now by the way, "I'm right here, just breath, okay?" I say in a calm tone, he raises a brow, then I roll my eyes, "Mason, this has happened a bunch of times as you and Mabel slept, I thought nothing of it so I never mentioned anything"
"You tell me now?? Stella! This is important! Gah.." he grabs the bridge of his nose, "Look, it doesn't matter n-" he's interrupted by us both hitting face first on the moldy wooden floor boards.
Then we heard a scream from upstairs, Mason doesn't hesitate to run up the stairs, I stood down here to look for Stan.
There he was, coming out of the vending machine, "Stella, I need yo-"
"No, this needs to stop! I don't know what you're doing down there-I don't care about what you're doing down there. You are putting the twins and this town in danger!" I point my finger at him and he just looked at me with a I don't give a shit face, I rolled my eyes, "Stan, enough is enough" I finally say.
"Kid, get out of my face and go check on the twins." He says while grabbing the bridge of his nose, but then.. this happened.
"Stanford Pines! You are under arrest!"
The FBI agents Mason told me about were here, Stan and I run to the front door to find them all over the Shack, I didn't know what to do, I started hyperventilating.

Mason and Mabel were talking with the agents as well as Stan, I sat on the kitchen table waiting to see what happens, I was to afraid to listen so I just kept looking at everyone's facial expressions and let me tell you.. they weren't pleasant.
Stan is now in handcuffs, Mason, Mabel and I are now sitting in the back of a car, being taken to child services.
'I have to get us out of here..' I think to myself.
I say in between the twins, ignoring what everyone's saying once again.
'Need help?'
There goes a voice I haven't heard in a while, I smiled to myself, thanking every living being for Bill, I looked around and gave a simple nod to nothing, the agent wasn't really paying attention to me so I knew I was able to get us out of here, no matter what it took.
I close my eyes and whisper an incantation, thanks to Bill lending me some of his powers I was able to do so.

"St.. Stella! Wake up!"
My eyes shoot open and I immediately was in an upright position, "Are you okay?!" I turn to the voice and it's Mabel, she actually looked concerned for me, who would've thought, 'thanks Bill'.
"Guys, I'm fine! Let's go!" I stand up and grab both of their hands, the three of us run full speed back to the Shack.
"Alright you two, stealth mode" I say to the twins, they both nodded their heads.
Getting into the Shack was extremely tricky, but we made it in nonetheless, "Okay, let's go to Gruncle Stan's room so we can clear his name, they said something about him stealing some type of toxic waste?" Says Mason, I shrugged and Mabel simply nodded, not wanting to be to loud.
After finally making it to Stan's bedroom, I told them I'll keep watch as they looked for anything.

"You guys find anything yet?" I ask.
"Yeah.. he isn't who he says he is." Says Mabel, she genuinely looked betrayed, Mason on the other hand had a face that would kill the entire town, I didn't ask him anything, but what I did say was, "Guys, maybe we should get out of here before the agents get us."
"No, we're going to the basement" says Mason.
"Dipper, what are you talking about?" Asks Mabel, I had to play it cool, for Mabel of course, lying around sucks, I'm tired of doing this, "How about we just go?" I say
"No, Stella. Let's go" Mason said that with a stern voice, I didn't protest, I did as I were told.
"Coast is clear." Says Mabel, Mason nods his head and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the gift shop, "Soos! Get out of the way!" Yells Mason, oh man.. I've seen him act tough in the past with monsters and such but now?
"No can do Dood's! Mr. Pines strictly instructed me to not allow anyone through this door!" Yells Soos.
We didn't know what else to do, Mason hands me the paper as both twins jump on Soos, fighting him to get through the vending machine, I got behind the three of them and punched in the numbers, opening the machine.
"Woah.." the three behind me say in unison, I look back at them, "We need to go. Now."
Mason and Mabel jumps off Soos and follows close behind me, I knew where I was going as Bill showed me prior.
'This place is creepier than I remember' I think to myself. Cobwebs and bugs all over the place, broken wires and random objects everywhere, I've seen a lot of weird things since I've first arrived to Gravity falls a while back but the bunker and basement top it all off.
We walk into an elevator and Mason presses a button, taking us really low into the lab, I start getting chills as I got a really bad feeling as we were going down.
"What is this place?" Asks Mabel when we finally arrived to the bottom, Mason looks around, awed at the sight of all the inventions and random material then he noticed the other two journals, "What was Gruncle Stan doing down here?" He asks no one in particular, Mason grabs Journal 3 from his vest pockets and lays the three journals together, creating a triangular architecture-like machine?
Mason stared at it for a while, "It says here there's a kill switch, Gruncle Stan is trying to destroy Gravity falls!"
Soos and Mabel dramatically gasp, I just stared at him, I too was unaware of Stan's plans, "Dipper, it probably isn't like that" I finally say.
"And how would you know that?" He asks me with a raise brow, I roll my eyes but then thought about everything they found in Stan's office, how would I really know that? It's not like he gave me any type of information about exactly what he was doing, I only had the mission Bill gave me, but I haven't really spoke to Bill in a while, so what do I do now? Everyone was now looking at me, waiting for me to give some type of response, "I don't know, it was the first tho g that popped into my head"
Mason scoffed and grabbed his journal back from the desk, placing it back into his vest pocket, then he looks at Mabel and Soos,"Come on, we have to turn those three keys in order to stop the machine" he points to what he was talking about.
The three of them prepare themselves to turn them, which they did eventually after debating if it was really a good idea. Then there was a button, something inside of me told me not to let them press it no matter what, but I can't do anything, I'm on Mason's side no matter what and I've done enough for him to suspect me.
Mabel runs to the button and attempts to press it with Mason's orders, I watched, nervous out of my mind, what if I need what's in that portal, what if that's the rift Bill needs in order to form in the real world, what if that's another dimension to something greater, before I had a chance to say anything, Stan runs into the room, "Don't press that button!" Is all he says.
Mason, Mabel, Soos and I look back at the exhausted old man, I was pretty surprised he was released from the FBI's clutches and was able to make it in time.

"Mabel! Don't listen to him! Press that button!"

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