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(This takes place the day after the last page)

Stella's POV
Today is Kaycee's last day here until the end of the summer!
My parents decided to leave me at the Shack while they take my best friend on vacation. But that's okay! She deserves it.

Here I am sitting on my bed, reading Mason's Journal, as he lent it to me because he's taking care of the Mystery Shack today.
Kaycee sits beside me drawing as she usually does when we sit in this comfortable silence, today was nice out but we wanted to enjoy each other's company instead of going outside with all the monsters and such.
"Hey Stella?" Says Kaycee whole grinning
"Hm." I respond without taking my eyes off the Journal.
"Can we try a spell?~" she says in a singsong voice
"M-Dipper will kill me if I do anything stupid with this book, no"
"Stella~ come on! Just one spell?"
I think she asked about 5,487 before I said, "Yes! But just one, okay?"
Kaycee nodded her head so fast and excitingly I don't know how she didn't break her neck.
I lay the Journal on the floor and I let her pick the spell, I read it carefully and it was just a spell to change water into a different color.
"Everything looks in order!" She exclaims
I look at her, "We just needed one cup of water"
We both a laugh and she punches me hard as hell in the arm, I ignore it and start the incantation.
After a little while, we both look at the water, "Nothing happened" Kaycee says
I shrugs and close the Journal, "I tried, can I go back to reading it now?" I ask while laughing
She waves at me dismissively, "Yeah, Yeah, go ahead. I'm going to drink this" Kaycee picks up the cup of water and gulps it down, a satisfied sigh came right after.

Hours later of playing board games, video games and watching movies, it was time for bed.
We say goodnight to each other and immediately pass out.

I get woken up by a scream throughout the house, I jump out of bed and run straight to the bathroom, "Kaycee! Wha- what happened to your hair?!"
Kaycee turns to me and her eyes were a bright purple, her hair was a dark purple, "Stella! This is amazing!!" She jumps in excitement and I'm trying to wrap my head around this entire thing, "I can't believe my hair and eyes are purple, isn't it cool?"
"T-this isn't 'cool' Kaycee! What are we going to tell Mom and Dad?!"

After explaining for about three hours to my parents what happened, they didn't believe us of course and just thought we dyed Kaycee's hair, and that she wore contacts. Her and I eventually gave up and just shrugged, "You sure you're going to be okay staying at the shack?" Kaycee asks with a worrisome face
I smile brightly at her, "I'll be fine. Go have fun and bring me a souvenir!"

They were off, my parents didn't even say goodbye to me, I scoff at the thought and head back inside to gather my things.
"Stella! I'm here to pick you up; I'll be in the kitchen"
Mason's here, I bring my bags downstairs and we load up the golf cart, I'm glad Gruncle Stan allowed me to stay with them so I'm not home alone, cause gosh I hate being alone.

Mason and I make it to the Shack, "Mason, you guys are having another party?!" I say excitedly, bouncing on my seat
He chuckles, parks the golf cart, "Yeah, it was actually Mabel's idea" he rolls his eyes as well as I, we both can stand Mabel at this point and her attitude.
After we set everything up in the other room with the sofa and couch, -basically where I'm sleeping-Mason and I walk down the stairs to help set up for the party, "Um, boss? What am I supposed to say when a government vehicle comes to the driveway?" Asks Soos as he looks out the window.
Stan didn't hesitate to kicked all the customers out of the store, two men in black walk inside of the Shack asking dozens of questions, but you know who's the idiot that falls for it? You guess it, Mason.
"Are you kidding? I've been doing my own investigation on this town myself!" He takes out his journal, "Look at th-" Gruncle Stan cuts him off, "Kids and their imaginations, am I right?"
The men exchange looks then gives Mason a card, "If you have any type of information, give us a call kid"
Mason accepts the card happily, as soon as the men walked out of the Shack, Gruncle Stan takes the card from him and puts it into a shoebox, before Mason was able to protest, Stan was already gone.
"What the heck is wrong with him?" Mason yells aloud
"M-Dipper! Maybe you shouldn't meddle with the FBI, they aren't good" I say to him
Mason scoffs and turns to Wendy, they make a plan to get the card from Stan, I roll my eyes and make my way into the kitchen, where Mabel was sitting, I walk past her and grab a Pitt-cola out of the fridge, "Stella" I turn around to see her staring into my soul, "Mabel"
"Let's get ready for the party, I want to do Karoke with everyone!"
I actually got excited, I smiled like an idiot and we both ran upstairs and got changed, I wore a yellow and black dress with yellow converse and I had my hair into a bun, we make it downstairs and notice Mason wasn't around, but Stan and Wendy was outside, 'most likely he got caught' I thought to myself.

A few hours into the party and I was actually having a good time with Mabel, I missed her so much I don't understand why she has to be so ignorant towards Mason.
"Mabel! Stella!"
Both of us look and it's none other than Mason, 'oh my god, speak of the devil'
"Dipper, what did I tell you not to do?" Asks Mabel with her eye brows furrowed
Mason's panting away, "Not raise the dead"
"And what did you do?"
"Raised the dead.." he trails off
"Wait what?!" I yell, when Zombies came from behind him, the three of us warn everyone at the party to evacuate immediately. Mason, Mabel and I run away from them, Soos getting bit in the process and he also starts chasing us.
'Bill! Now would be a good time to come back!!' He wasn't responding, shit what do I do?!

The three of us are in the kitchen completely surrounded by Zombies, Mabel is the first to get grabbed, then Mason, then me.
"Girls! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have meddled with the FBI!" Mason says as tears fall down his cheeks
"It's okay Dipper, you thought it was the right thing to do" says Mabel sincerely?
I couldn't speak, I closed my eyes as I hear screams surrounding the Shack, that's until I hear punches and I fall to the ground, as well as Mason and Mabel. The three our eyes widen when we see Gruncle Stan, fighting off the Zombies with golden brass knuckles, "Attic! Now!!" He shouts at us. We didn't hesitate and ran upstairs-we make it to the attic and shut the door, immediately after the door was getting pounded on, the three of us hug and cry together saying our goodbyes, that's when Stan busts through the door, Mason helps Stan hold the door close, "Now you believe me when I say there are crazy things happening in this town?!" Yells Mason
"Kids! I've always known! I've been trying to protect you from it, but obviously that didn't work!"
The three of us gasp, I knew that he knew, but I couldn't say anything, but now the twins know.
Mason flips through the pages, but finds nothing at first, he turns the journal towards us and Mabel and I start laughing, "Dipper! The black light!" Yells Mabel
Mason grabs the light and faces it towards the journal, "The zombies can only be killed by a three part harmony! But.. how?"
"With this!" Shouts Mabel, as she still miraculously has the Karaoke machine, Stan, Mason and I exchange looks, but shrug in defeat as we had no other choice.
The four of us make it to the roof and Mabel turns on the machine, she passes Mason and I microphones and picks a song, Mason and I were uncomfortable at first but ended up enjoying the song!
As the three of us sing together all of the Zombies start tumbling down where ever they stood, eliminating them for good.
"We did it!!" I yell as I grab the twins, we all laugh and cry at the same time together, Stan joins in on the hug, "I'm proud of you kids!" He says to us.

Hours and I mean HOURS of cleaning the Zombie corpses up Mason and Mabel grab Soos and brings him upstairs to help him become human again, I was washing the dishes as Stan sat at the table.
"When are you going to tell those kids, Stella?" He asks me, i tense up, but try my best not to show it.
"What do you mean, Gruncle Stan?"
"Don't play dumb with me kid, you know about the basement, you know what I have down there. Why haven't you told them?"
I turn to face him, I walk over to him with a big grin on my face, "We need Sixer here Fez. That's why"
I walk away from him leaving him jaw dropped, before he was able to say anything else, Mabel calls me from the top of the stairs, "Coming!" I shout before running up the stairs.

The time is coming, it's closer than you think.

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