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"Don't touch that button!"
That's the only thing you heard in the deafening silence that was killing everyone in the room, Mabel stood beside the button, staring at it then back at her Gruncle Stan, Mason clenched his fist and brought his gaze back at his sister, hoping for once in his life she would just listen, "Mabel! You need to push that button!" Shouts Mason.
Stella and Soos didn't know what to do, they just stood there, waiting to see what decision Mabel would make, confused about the entire situation, well, everyone was confused, except for Stan and Stella of course. Stan started walking into the room, taking small steps and still panting away as he ran full speed to the shack from where he once was, "Mabel.. please, I need you to listen to me, I'm your Gruncle Stan, you know you can trust me" he says in a really calming voice, was Mabel really going to listen to her Gruncle? If that who he really was to her? No words came out of her at first, she just kept staring at him, her hands mere inches away from that button.
Mason attempted to run over to Mabel, Stan saw the boy run and started charging after him, but it was no use as Soos grabbed the old man, protecting the kids. Stella didn't know what to do, she stood there wide eyed and confused.

Suddenly everyone was lifted up from the ground and pushed into the wall of the room, Mabel was still clutching on to the hold on the button, "Mabel! Do it now!" Shouts her brother, she looked at him then Stan. She's made her decision, "Gruncle Stan.." she let's go and floats in the air, "I trust you.."
Mason and Stella's eyes were widened, pain struck the boys heart, she always picked everyone before him but he never expected her to betray him at a life and death situation, Dipper now saw things differently, he knows now-more than ever- Mabel will never put him first, and now he accepts that.

Everyone was now on the ground, wincing in pain from how hard they have fallen.
The portal-like machine was now on the floor, and everything surrounding it was a mess. A man emerges from the portal, he wore clothing no one has ever seen before, and a scarf covered his face.
Mason looked at the man confused, 'who is he?' The boy thought to himself, Soos and the three children stared at the man with nothing in their minds but questions and confusion, the the man walked over to Stan and punched him in the face full force, causing Stan to fall.
The two fought and bickered for a while, "Gruncle Stan? Who is this?" Asks Mabel as she finally breaks the two from killing each other.
The unknown man looked at the young girl with a raised brow, also confused to who she is herself, "Kids, this is my brother, Stanford." Stan explains everything to the children who were once confused, now has an understanding.
Stella stood in the background of it all, just simply listening in, unaware that the dream demon was also in her mind listening to this information that has now become valuable to him. After all the introductions, Dipper couldn't stop babbling about how excited he was meeting the author of the journals, then he finally noticed Stella standing in the background and ran over to her with an excited expression, "Stella! Isn't this great! He's the author of the journals!" He practically screams to her.
She looked at him with nothing more than a small smile, she was happy for her best friend, to have finally found what he's been searching for the entire summer, but to her, something felt off. Can she trust this newcomer? How can Mason trust someone he barely knew, just because he was the author? I guess these are questions she would need to save for later, because now the FBI is looking for Stan again.
"What do we do?" Asks Soos as he was pacing around the basement.
Ford had an idea, it was risky but he wanted to save the family he didn't even know he had.

And it worked, he erased everyone's mind that we're in the area and got them to leave, the children were extremely happy about this as they finally can get back to their normal lives, or so they thought.

Dipper, Mabel and Stella were eating lunch with their Gruncles, Soos has gone home as he was exhausted with today's events.
Dipper was ignoring Mabel, even though he's glad she didn't listen to him, what if the outcome was much greater than what happened? What if everyone actually died if she didn't press that button, does she really not trust him enough for her to listen to him?
"What's wrong Dipper?" Stella asks him in a tone that was close to a whisper, "Wanna talk about it?"
He simply shook his head 'no' as if she should know exactly what was wrong with him, and she knew, as she was upset about the same exact thing.

After the kids were finished eating, Ford asked them if he can have alone time with Stan, they all agreed and headed upstairs.
Now the kids sat in silence in that nerve wretched attic, the tension boiling up in the three.
"Look, I'll just start talking" says Mabel, finally breaking the silence, "Good came out of what I did, I really hope you guys aren't ups-"
"Upset?" Interrupts Dipper, "Upset isn't even the word nor feeling that I have for you right now, Mabel. I can't believe you trusted Stan over me!" Dipper puts a hand on his chest, as he stated the last part, Mabel scoffed and crossed her arms, as if what she did was justified.
"Dipper, we have another Gruncle that we didn't even know we had, why can't you see the good in this?" She says in a calm tone.
"That's not the point, Mabel. You never put your brother first, never. How do you really expect him to feel? What if the machine exploded instead? We understand that nothing bad happened but you never thought of all the possibilities." Says Stella.
Dipper and Mabel just kept glaring at each other, completely ignoring what Stella said out loud, the tension in the attic became more intense each second, finally Dipper broke the silence one again after what felt like a good twenty minutes no one has spoken.
"You know what? One day, someone is going to make you pay, make you pay for everything you've done to me. And I can't wait to witness it all" you heard pure hatred, pain and sorrow in Dipper's voice when he spoke, the boy walks out of the bedroom, with Stella right behind him, leaving Mabel in her thoughts.
"Dipper, wait!" Shouts the girl as she follows him out of the shack. Dipper was so upset it was as if he was either ignoring the girl, or just didn't want to speak to anyone at the moment, "Mason! Please, talk to me.."
He finally acknowledges the girl, he looks back at her with tears in his eyes, even thought he just started crying it looked as if he's been crying for hours, his lip was also quivering and his hands with now clenched into fists, "What do you want, Stella?" He said it in a tone that shot shivers down the girls spine, she couldn't believe it, her eyes widened, she even took a step back, "Haven't you caused enough!?"
"Me!? I've never done anything to- no. I'm not even going to explain myself to you, you're upset right now and I'm going to leave you be, when you're ready, you'll know where to find me." And she disappears, as if it were a projection, as if that's what he needed to see.
Dipper now stood mere feet away from the shack, not knowing exactly what to do. He feels as if he's now lost his best friend but she told him to find her when he feels he should, but he didn't. He didn't go looking for her, he instead went back into the shack and onto the roof, to gather his thoughts instead, for his next move in the game he was playing, no, the game he was being controlled in, as he was no more than a mere pawn.

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