#1: The Dark Demon

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     Rain falls on New York, people walking on the streets, crossing the roads, and hailing cabs. Deep in the alley a man shrouded in a black long hooded coat, and a chain wrapped around his arm, walks through the alley. He then stops right in the middle of a pole light that flashes. As it continued to flash on and off, where the man stood. Then as it turned off making the alley dark, then turned back on the light, the man was gone.

      Meanwhile at a cargo port, 5 Gangs Members were loading women in a container. The Women were terrified as many of the men pointed guns at them and ordering them to get into the container, but that just made them shout in terror.

Gang Member #1:Shut up, and get inside. Do you hear me.

      The Gang Member said as he continued to give orders to the women. Many of them did what he said, but one was just to scared to move. The Gang Member walked right up in front of her.

Gang Member #1:Did you not hear me. Get inside the Box, NOW.

Women #1:I'm cold, please let me go home. I want to go home.

     The Gang Member just ignored her plead and smacked her, forcing her to fall to the ground. The rest of the women watch too scared to do something and the rest of the gang just watched as well.

Gang Member #2:Easy man, you don't want to damage her, that'll be throwing away money.

Gang Member #1: Shut Up man. We can always find another girl... You hear that, we can find another to replace you, cause if you ain't gonna cooperate then your not valuable.

      He said to her as he pointed his gun right at her head, terrifying her more.

Gang Member #1:Now. You have till the count of 5, to get your ass in the box. 1...2...3.

     As he continued to count down he placed the gun closer and closer to the girls head, but she is just unable to move due to fear. As the other girls watch horrified to what is about to happen, and the other members just watch with smiles on their faces. Just as he was about to say five and pull the trigger, one of the other members leg was grabbed by something and he screamed, being dragged into the darkness. The other members pointed their guns to where he was dragged. They looked to see anything, but nothing. They than began to hear noises all around and each of them pointed their gun to where they heard the noise.

Gang Member #3:What the hell is going on.

Gang Member #1:Will you shut up Man... I don't see anything.

Gang Member #4:It has to be "Him Man.

Gang Member #1:Shut up... He ain't real.

Gang Member #4:Members of the White Shark gang were brutally slaughter in one of their own places. The guys who robbed the Atlantic bank, 3 of them were hanged at the side of the building they were hiding out in and the other 3 were beaten to the near brink of death. And that Maniac killer, God, when the police found him, they say he was all over that alley way. And all the witnesses and whatever survivors who got lucky all say, they saw this Dark Demon with the Devil's darkness.

     He said, stating these facts all the while shaking, feeling nothing but terror. The other saw him shaking and worried themselves. All of them feared for their lives if this Dark Demon was out their, all but one.

Gang Member #1:Shut up, shut up, just shut the hell up. No way any of that is true. No one man could do things like that.

Gang Member #3:But, the Boss he can~.

      Just as he was talking, Gang Member #1 saw a figure behind him and started firing his gun, killing his fellow member in the process, as he lay dead the figure behind him was gone.

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