#11: Public Enemy #1

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     At the New York City Hall Captain Trevor is addressing the presses. Over the incident of the block that was destroyed by Ifrit and the DarkShadow coming after Captain Trevor and attacking police officers.

Captain Trevor:The tragedy that took place at 7th Avenue was unfortunate, but I assure you. We will bring those responsible to justice.

      The press started shouting with questions and statements to Captain Trevor, wanting more answer to what happened.

Press #1:Captain Trevor, one of the building that was set ablaze was the very building that Reporter David Thompson was living, as he has been reported among the deceased? Could he have been the target of this attack, for his latest article of the identity of the Hellfire Hang's Leader known as Ifrit.

Press #2:What are your thought on this Ifrit?

Captain Trevor:I cannot disclose on any accusations at this time, as we do not know all the facts. And as for this name Ifrit, yes we can confirm that he is the one leading the Hellfire Gang.

Press #3:Could you give us a reason on how you know this.

Captain Trevor:During the time we had the criminal known as Salamander in custody, he gave us this name, however without definitive proof, I chose not to disclose this. When we started transporting Salamander and were attacked, it was then that I met him face to face.

Press #1:Was it him that killed Officer Alan?

Captain Trevor:No, it was someone else, someone who has been secretly working with Ifrit from the beginning, fooling the public, everting the eyes of the police, on what's truly going on, I am here to give you the name. It is the Dark Demon of New York, The DarkShadow!

      During at the time, the DarkShadow is dodging a wave of bullets that are being fired not by Hellfire Gang Members, but by police officers who are chasing the DarkShadow though the Alleys.

      Back at the City Hall, the press are continuing asking questions to Captain Trevor, over his statement on accusing DarkShadow as an accomplice to Ifrit.

Press #3:Sir, can you elaborate on that, The Dark Demon, has been known to have stopped multiple incident that the Hellfire gang were responsible for.

Captain Trevor:All actions that the DarkShadow against the Hellfire Gang, were just a ploy. A way to blindside us, to allow them to put further operations in order, which was to take down the White Shark Gang, which there leader White Shark was taken into custody, but was about to be murder by DarkShadow. And during the time before the incident at 7th Avenue, the DarkShadow came after me at my precinct, and attacked my officers. This is why I Now Place In Effect, The Arrest Warrant Of The DarkShadow. As my first decree as the New Chief of Police of New York.

      Back at the Alley's the DarkShadow continues to evade the police and attacks those who are in his path, taking them down and knocking them out.

     He then enters a building but sees 2 police officers in the building as well. As the Officer ready to fire, DarkShadow stretched out his chain and tangles around one of the officers gun and disarms him and tossed the gun to the other officer, disarming him as well. Then wrapped his chain around a leg of a long table and rammed it to the officers knocking them down and escaping through the door to the streets.

      Back at City Hall.

Press #4:Sir, forgive me for asking, but, The DarkShadow has been known to have impressive skills, strength and powers.

     How can your police force hop to match him and bring him in.

Captain Trevor: We are well aware of the DarkShadow's abilities, but I have spoken to the Mayor, and with the support of MIDAS industries. They have provided us with the equipment and technology needed to bring down the DarkShadow. And I have assembled a taskforce to do just that.

      During which DarkShadow is taking on 10 officers in a large alley. He takes down 3 officers to the ground, then jumps up in the air stretch his chain around another's chest and swings him towards another officer and they both slam into a wall.

      Back at City Hall, Captain Trevor continues his speech.

Captain Trevor:I give you my solemn oath, The DarkShadow will be brought down.

      DarkShadow takes down another 2 officers!

Captain Trevor:Crime will be pushed down, and this city will once again be strong, without weakness, without fear.

      An officer was about to fire at DarkShadow but he grabbed the gun with his chain and swung it back at the officer, hitting him with his gun, taking him down.

Captain Trevor:I make this promise to you not as a Police Captain, but as this Cities New Chief Of Police of New York!

      Captain Trevor said finishing his speech, and the press and crowd applause of his dedication and commitment.

      Soon Max is seen at the studio with the image of Captain Trevor on screen beside him.

Max:That was Captain Trevor, placing the DarkShadow as public enemy #1 and it's about time too.

     Later on Captain Trevor, was sworn in as the new Chief of Police of New York. So New Yorkers, rest easy cause Chief Trevor is on the job and I bet his taskforce will bring the DarkShadow to justice.

     Back at the alley DarkShadow is facing the final two officers, disarming them of there guns, beating them and knocking them down to the ground. With the last of the officers down DarkShadow stood there looking at one of them. Then he kneeled down and lifted the officer's sleeve and saw the Hellfire tattooed on his arm. DarkShadow then stand up and he then sensed something, he turned his head and was punched in the face, sending him in the air and crashing into a wall. DarkShadow recovered quickly, stood up and saw 6 men and 1 women, wearing high tech exoskeleton suits in front of him.

Man #1:DarkShadow, by the authority of Chief Trevor, also known as the Red Bishop, we place you under arrest.

To Be Continued...

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