#8: Demon Vs Shark

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     After Salamanders escape, the death of Captain Connors and Captain Trevor still hospitalize, unbeknownst to anyone of his true identity as the Red Bishop of the Hellfire Gang and Ifrit's plan beginning to unfold. The DarkShadow after learning of Salamanders escape becomes annoyed.

      At a warehouse, gunfire is happening inside. The sounds of gunshots continue, then a man comes through a window, beaten, covered in glass, dead. Inside the DarkShadow is attacking the men inside mercilessly. The men landed gunshots on him but no effect, the DarkShadow empowered his chain with dark energy and swung it around the room, wrapping around one man's neck and detaching it from his body, and at another man around his waist, tearing him in half. Another man ran towards DarkShadow with a machete, but he dodge his strike, grabbed and broke his arm, took the machete, chopped his head off and threw it, piercing onto a man's stomach. DarkShadow notice 3 men trying to escape and turned into dark smoke, that went towards them and reforming above them in the air and stomped one of them in the face that pushed him down hitting his head on the floor hard. the other two attacked DarkShadow, but he blocked there attacks and countered, broke one's arm and the other's leg. One of them grabbed a knife, but DarkShadow noticed grabbed the hand wielding the knife and impaled the man at the side of the head, then took the knife and slit the last one's throat. The DarkShadow continued killing the remaining men without mercy until there was only one. The last man was cornered and standing, back against the wall, he saw the DarkShadow coming towards him. He took his handgun and started firing rounds at the DarkShadow, hitting him a few times but no effect, the DarkShadow powers healing him from the bullets and continued walking towards the man. The man continued firing at him until his gun was empty, so he then threw the gun at him, but the DarkShadow caught the gun and threw it back at the man, hitting him in the mouth, breaking his teeth and puncturing his lip causing it to bleed. As the man hold his mouth in pain the DarkShadow was standing right in front of him and grabbed the man by the neck and pinned him to the wall and started to squeeze.

Man #1:P-please, I'll tell you anything.

DarkShadow:Yes, you will and I'm gonna make sure you do.

      DarkShadow then raised his hand and threw a fist right at the man.

      Later in the morning, The police were investigating the warehouse with Michael at the scene examining the remains from the bodies. Then two officers came up to him.

Officer #1:Hey Michael... So can we assume who responsible for this.

Michael:Yup, the DarkShadow. And every body here are members of the Hellfire Gang, this is there warehouse.

Officer #2:Jesus, does he have any morals at all.

Michael:Well judging from all this, no.

Officer #1:Well what's in this warehouse exactly.

Michael:Most of the crates contain high grade weapons, but that section over there has chemicals in them. Some are flammable chemicals and well as flame retardant ones as well.

Officer #1:My god, what's all this stuff doing here.

Michael:I don't know, I think the Hellfire Gang is planning something big.

      Soon later Michael was leaving the warehouse to head back to the station. As he is near his car, he is stop by a man. Michael turns and sees David Thompson in front of him.

David:Your Michael Reed CSI division of the NYPD, correct? My names David Thompson.

Michael:Hello.Mr. Thompson

David:First I want to say sorry, for the lost of Detective Alan. He was a good man.

Michael:... Thank you, did you know him?

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