#6: An Arctic Christmas

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1 Year ago, December 24, 2015

      At the night, at a building called Nature Safeguard Industries (NSI) a Christmas party is going on with the employees.

      Meanwhile at a lab, a man is putting blue liquid in small medium size round shape devices. As he continued working a women came in from the door.

Women:Brian, come on your missing the party.

Brian:Be right out. I'm almost done here.

      She then walked towards him and stopped next to him and watched as he worked.

Women #1:Can't believe you actually did it.

Brian:We did it. These devices, filled with Arctic Chill Chemical, they will dispersed cold energy that will save the Arctic from Global Warming as well as the wildlife that live there. With these were going to save the world together.

Woman:Together. The two stared at each other.

Then 3 other guy barge in.

Guy #1:Brian, Kathy, come on your wasting a good party by standing around here, let's go.

      The man said as he and the others nagged at Brian and Kathy out of the lab and headed to the party. At the Christmas party people were dancing to the Christmas music, having punch and snacks and a few party games, pin the tail, Belly Balloon Break, Opposites and Famous Lines. As the party continued, Brian went to grab some punch when a man wearing a military uniform walked up to him.

Military Man:Dr. Brooks.

Brian:General Hartman!?

      Brian said surprised and confused of him being here.

General Hartman:Great party your having here, as well as great success in your work. I hear it's all ready.

Brian:Yes... Thank you.

General Hartman:But I think you can reach greater accomplishment if you agree on what we discuss, about your devices to be use for more Military use.

Brian:Heh, heh. Oooooh, you army guys just don't take a hint do you. The answer we'll be always... NO!

He said to the General, then attempted to leave, but the General grabbed his arm stopping him.

General Hartman:Don't be stupid about this your devices could be powerful weapons out there on the field, and make you a wealthy man, if you just help us weaponized them.

      Brian got his arm release from the General's hand and looked straight at him.

Brian:I created these devices to help the world, to help keep our planet intact, not to create weapon's that will damage it.

      As they argued Kathy came by.

Kathy:What's going on?

      Brian and General Hartman then relaxed.

General Hartman:Nothing Dr. Taylor, just congratulating Brian here for his good work, for all your good work, congratulation's.

Kathy:Thank you so much, but really if it wasn't for Brian we wouldn't have made any achievement at all.

General Hartman:Well he is a bright young man I'll tell you what. Merry Christmas Brian. Hope you have a cold one.

      He said to Brian then left. Kathy saw Brian looking discomfort then broke the tension.

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