#2: Hellfire Gang

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Anchorman:Human trafficking stopped last night at the cargo port, Stacy Park at the scene. Stacy.

Stacy:Thanks Max, women who were taken off the streets and dragged here by members of the Hellfire gang and to be transported and sold to God knows where was stopped here last night. The women were saved, but all the of the members of the Hellfire Gang were killed. I have not been given any details about the killings but I am told that it is gruesome. The women who were freed however, reported in saying that the man who saved them was dressed in black. This reporter can only assume that it was this Dark Demon who was responsible. Back to you Max.

Max:Yes, another killing from this Dark Demon here in New York. Though this man has saved lives, what of the lives of these criminals, where is the justice system for all this. I don't condone their action, but they have human rights too. While many believe in this man's crusade, others are concern for their family, friends, children and their own well being, of what this man is capable of. In other news discussions about the NewBeings rights bill continues in congress, as~.

     Back at the port, officers work to keep reporters and news crew back from the crime scene, as it is being investigated. Then a new officer came, crosses the police lined and enters the scene. He met up with the supervising officer.


Alan:Captain Trevor.

Captain Trevor:What we got?

Alan:Well what we got is, our witnesses confirm it was our Dark friend again.

Captain Trevor:Jesus... Huh, how many this time?

Alan:Five. All members of the Hellfire gang.

Captain Trevor:Has the area been checked over?

Alan:Yeah, over here.

     He and Captain Trevor then went over to a man who was bent down and was examining the bodies.


     Michael then stood up and faced Alan and Captain Trevor, who were right next to him.

Alan:Michael... Captain Trevor.

Michael:Nice to meet you Captain. Michael Reed NYPD CSI division.

Captain Trevor:You new?

Michael:Just started three weeks ago.

Captain Trevor:Well, good to have you. Now, what can you tell me.

Michael:Well for starters they were firing all around. Bullets were found everywhere, also this one right here was shot.

      Michael said to the Captain showing him the body of the Hellfire member with bullet holes.

Captain Trevor:So he was shot by our Dark friend... started using guns now huh.

Michael:It wasn't him, the women who were captured said he was shot by one of their own. Probably got into the crossfire. Also guns aren't his style, he prefers to use his fist. These two were grabbed by something and dragged.

Captain Trevor:How do you figure?

Michael:This one was grabbed by the leg and this was grabbed by the neck, know doubt by a chain of some sorts, the bruises around the area fit that description. However the cause of death, was being beaten by powerful, strong fist.... This one, was attacked and~.

Captain Trevor:Let me guess, beaten to death.

     Michael nodded his head agreeing with him. Captain Trevor then got a closer look at the body, seeing how swollen it is, and could barely stomach it. He then looked around and became confused.

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