#13: The Duel

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      Michael arrives at the police station and heads to the main room, where everyone is, and presents them Red Bishop in handcuffs. Everyone was shock to see this, as Michael had capture the Red Bishop.

Officer #1:Michael... Is that?

Michael:Yes. The Red Bishop, but not only that!

      Michael then removed the Red Bishop's mask revealing to everyone that he is Chief Trevor. Then Michael rolled up Trevor's right sleeve, showing the Hellfire Tattoo to them, making him out to be a member of the Hellfire Gang. Everyone couldn't believe it, they all spoke out of what all this means, and wanting answers.

Michael:Listen, for years Chief Trevor has been secretly working for the Hellfire Gang... for Ifrit. That's why he survived the attack during Salamander's transport. Why the Hellfire Gang killed the other candidates for the Police Chief elections. So Trevor can become the next Chief and he and Ifrit will have total control over the Police Force.

Officer #2:Michael... this, this gotta be some kind of mistake?

Michael:I'm afraid, it's not. Trevor was the one who killed Alan. And he framed the DarkShadow, made us all think DarkShadow was working for Ifrit, cause he discovered the truth.

      Everyone was shock and couldn't believe what they just heard.

Michael:There's more. He's been planting Hellfire Member's within our ranks. I don't know who, it could be some of you, maybe none of you, or all of you. That's why I need you to lift up your sleeves, to see of any of you have their mark.

     Everyone was hesitant of Michael's request.

Michael:Please. For Alan!

      Then one of them stood up from his chair, and rolled up his sleeves revealing nothing. Soon others followed, all did not have the Hellfire Tattoo. But 3 of them did not roll up there sleeves. everyone looked towards them and one of them then try to grab his gun but was jumped by everyone else and stopped, and the other too were taken down as well. The 3 traitors and Trevor were then taken into holding. Trevor looked towards Michael as did he, and then was no longer in the room. Everyone congratulated Michael for his accomplishment.

Michael:Thank you... But this is not over! Ifrit plans to set fire on the city. I don't have time to get into all of the details right know. I need all of your help to stop it.

      Everyone then gathered around Michael to hear of his plan.

      Meanwhile Blaze Samurai is meditating in a room, when 4 red dressed Ninjas enter.

Ninja #1:(Japanese) The Message has been sent.

Blaze Samurai:(Japanese) Good, once he comes, we end him. Then we meet up with Ifrit.

Ninja #2(Japanese) Hmp. How much longer must we continued this charade of loyalty to him.

Ninja#3(Japanese) Agree! We did not help you steel the sword and left "Them", just to become someone else's servants. We joined you cause you promised us positions in power, where we would become masters, lead an army of our own, and rule! Now we have lost three of our own because of your devotion to this foolish man, who cannot stop one man.

      Then Blaze Samurai stood up, grabbed his sword and pointed it at one of the Ninja's neck.

Blaze Samurai:(Japanese) Do not mistake my intentions! The DarkShadow is no ordinary man, as you should know. Also I have not forgotten my promise. My service to Ifrit is to help fulfil our goal. Once he has started his Cleansing Of Fire and creates his army, I will kill him and we will take control of that army and crush all our enemies. It is our destinies, and with The Crimson Blood Sword at our side, we will be victorious! Those fools did not understand it's true power, that is why I asked you to join me to claim it and now we are closer than ever, but the DarkShadow is a problem. That is why he must be dealt with. So, do I have your cooperation... my "friends".

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