#5: WHY

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     After the events with Salamander, DarkShadow finds himself at the warehouse power station. He sees guards patrolling the area. DarkShadow swiftly and quietly take down 5 guards without being noticed. He then enters the warehouse through a window.

      Inside the warehouse he looks around, dodging and maneuvering around the guards without being noticed. He finds weapons, of grenades, guns, rocket launchers, and more.

     Then the DarkShadow enters a room where he finds the lab. He walks up to the table and examines all of the equipment. He then finds a note pad of an equation of Sulfuric Acid and Nitroglycerin he ripped that piece and put it in his pocket. He then walked and stand towards a board showing a map of the New York sewer system, he examined the map to try to find out what it means, but then a double edge red crimson blade came through behind the map. The DarkShadow reacted quickly and moved back as the board was then cut in half and crumble to the floor revealing Blaze Samurai.

Blaze Samurai:(Japanese) So... you are the DarkShadow that has been messing with our affairs. Huh, how foolish are you!

DarkShadow:(Japanese) The only fool is you for facing me alone.

Blaze Samurai:(Japanese) Oh! You speak my language. Clearly there is more to you than just what we know.

DarkShadow:(Japanese) Where is he?... Where is Ifrit?

Blaze Samurai:(Japanese) So the fool Salamander did talk. He will pay dearly for his betrayal.

DarkShadow:(Japanese) I could care less what you do with him. (English) Tell me... where is Ifrit?

Blaze Samurai:(English) You should learn control, or you will lose balance within yourself.

DarkShadow:The only thing that brings me balance is to kill, and since I can't kill Ifrit right now, you'll have to do.

      DarkShadow said to him, preparing to fight. Blaze Samurai smirked, lifted his sword with both his hands and got into stance. DarkShadow and Blaze Samurai stared at each other for a few minutes. Then DarkShadow spinned and reached out his chain towards Blaze Samurai, but he blocked the chain with his sword, which the chain wrapped around the blade. DarkShadow attempted to disarm him of his sword, but Blaze Samurai pulled back his sword which caused DarkShadow to be lifted up to the air and got pulled towards Blaze Samurai. Heading towards him, Blaze Samurai back kicked DarkShadow in the air to the head which pushed him back to the floor. DarkShadow recovered quickly and saw Blaze Samurai coming at him, as he striked with his sword, DarkShadow dodge and retracted his chain back and used the chain wrapped around his arm as a guard for Blaze Samurai's strikes from his sword. As the two fought DarkShadow continued to block his sword with his chained arm, while trying to land some strikes as well, but the Blaze Samurai dodges his attacks.

Blaze Samurai:Such skills, I've faced such skills before. Against the soldiers of the group called D.E.M.O.N.

      The DarkShadow paused after hearing that name.

Blaze Samurai:I remember hearing the rumors of D.E.M.O.N's Dark Warrior, a warrior of no mercy, created to kill, (Japanese) and given the blood of a Dark Demon itself. You are that creature.

DarkShadow:I have no connection to that group any longer. And you have no idea what I truly am.

      DarkShadow then charge at Blaze Samurai, jump in the air ready to strike but he dodge and strike back with his Sword. DarkShadow landed and saw that his sword pierced through his armor on the right side, black blood started dripping from the wound, DarkShadow looked back and saw his blood on the Blaze Samurai's sword. Blaze Samurai turned and faced the DarkShadow with his sword in mid-air.

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