1. Bringing Him Home

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Chapter One: Bringing Him Home

I sighed as I watched over my brother. I knew this would happen. That stupid camp would end up almost, if not, killing him. His friends were there for him at least, so I knew he'd survive longer.

"Dad, Please!" I begged him as Percy was stabbed down his back, where his wings would sprout from when we brought him home. Dad sighed and shook his head no, but even I could see the pain he was in. He desperately wanted to bring him home, but he couldn't.

"Not yet, Kyran. I know you're scared for him, but not yet." Dad replied. I sighed and went to my room for the night. I will bring him home soon. In a week, whether dad says I can or not, I will bring him home, and his friends.

Laying down I closed my eyes, almost crying. My twin is in so much pain and I couldn't help him. I curled in on my side, in the fetal position and I cried as I fell asleep.

"PERCY!" I screamed as the dagger stabbed him through his heart. His wings faltered and he fell from the sky, sending him to his death. I cried as I watched my brother hit the ground and I screamed. I broke from my bounds and charged End. No one gets away when they kill a family member or friend. No. One.

I screamed as I drove my sword through his lung and watched as he began fading. I wanted him to feel the pain I feel now as my twin died. I screamed as the tears ran down my face and I made him feel the pain.

Using my ability I swore I would never use unless I had to, I made him melt from the inside out. I screamed as dad dragged me away from the fading End, and as he faded I saw the regret on his face and I cried harder.

Sighing, I woke up from my newest nightmare. I saw End killing Percy, and I couldn't help him. I'm hoping That vision never happens. I will make sure of it. Percy will never die if I have a say in it.

I quickly got dressed and ran to dad's throne room and saw him with pain on his face, he was getting old, and he will fade soon.

"Kyran. Go get your brother and his friends. Now." Dad adi and I teleported and grabbed my twin swords, Γιν and Γιανγκ, or better known as Gin and Gian'nk. Yin and Yang.

I teleported to my brother's last known location, where I found him bleeding out.

"Who are you?" One of my brothers friends, I think that is Will.

"I can help. Come with me and all of you will be safe." I said, ignoring his question. I watched as Luke, who seemed to recognize me, nodd.He lifted Percy into his arms and I almost cried at the sight of my twin, battered and bruised. I think Will noticed my look to Percy and nodded.

I made sure everyone else was through the portal before I walked through myself. Getting to the other side, I noticed we were in the infirmary, Good. Almost all of them were malnourished, Injured and sleep deprived badly. I saw Will making sure the others were fine first and I sighed, seeing myself in him. I walked over to him and pulled him away from his brother, Nico if I remember right.

"You need rest and medical treatment. They will be fine. We have the best medics here helping." I told him. He still kept looking back at them. "Will, right?" I asked him and he nodded. "Okay. Will, I will tie you to the medical bed if you don't relax. And if it helps I can help to. I specialize in the medical field." I told him. He sighed and looked at me pleadingly and I smiled at him.

"Please. I trust you." Will replied, he sounded concerned as he looked back again.

"I will, trust me. But, we need to treat you first. Okay?" I asked him and he nodded, finally he relaxed and I laid him on one of the cots and put my hand on his forehead. I ran my ability through him and began working on his injuries and problems in his body. He fell asleep and I smiled.

I walked over to Jason and began helping him, the other medics backed off from the ones who weren't as badly injured and stabilized the ones who were fatally injured. I went around and healed their injuries. I got to Percy and I sighed, I was already feeling weak... I can tell I'm gonna pass out after healing him. Landon, my best friend, noticed that.

"Don't over do yourself, Kyran. Okay?" He warned me. I gave him one look and sighed. "Thought so." He muttered and I placed my hand on Percy's forehead. By now the others I healed were awake and watching me. Will noticed the way Landon seemed ready to catch me and heard what Landon had said.

I healed Percy and I didn't pass out! I stood up and immediately fell. I groaned as Landon caught me and then the world faded into black and the haunting silence came over me.

Waking up after healing so many people is a bitch. Let me tell you, don't try it. I groaned and I heard Landon chuckle.

"Told you to not over do it." Landon chuckled.

"Fuck off." I muttered and he burst out laughing. I looked around and saw that the group I healed was looking at me shocked. "Fuck me." I muttered to myself and Landon couldn't stop laughing.

I groaned and laid back down, I curled into a ball hoping to get some actual sleep.

"Nope. Lord Chaos wants to see you." Landon said as he literally dragged me from my bed. I began kicking him and he sighed. "Nope. I don't want to deal with this." Landon muttered before he threw me over his shoulder. I began kicking him and kneeing him in the gut but he wouldn't put me down.

"I don't wanna!" I pouted and he sighed. The group followed us and I went limp as I knew I wasn't gonna win.

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