6. Having a Talk with Dad

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After reading the book, cover to cover, Aeráki and I had headaches and we knew exactly who could help.

Go. I have to talk to my Brother... It will hurt but Aeráki doesn't know I am here. Be careful while with Nýchta and Aéras. End whispered. I faintly nodded and he left. I fought back a wince and sighed as Aeráki pulled me up and dragged me to go find our oldest brother and our youngest brother.

I smiled at Aeráki mischievously and his smile matched mine. I followed Aeráki down to the training room and we walked in casually as they were sparring. I smirked at Aeráki as we slowly crept up on them and screamed. Then we sprinted out of the room. Aéras and Nýchta don't even know it was us! I laughed, blocking out the pain, so we could get away quickly.

"Kyran... I need to speak with you." Dad called out from down the hall. I looked back and I saw a stern face and I gulped.

"I'll see you later Aeráki," I whispered to him as I began walking back to our father... This is a conversation I was NOT looking forward to. Dad also looked extremely upset with me.

I began walking over to my father, and the pain I was feeling began to disappear... End was with dad. I got near dad and he turned around and began walking away. I followed as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I smiled softly. 

I followed my dad to his study, where he let us in and had me sit down in front of the desk. I was racing around my memories , trying to find out what I did wrong. This has only happened three times. And on all three times it was because I did a plan that wasn't discussed with him, but I haven't been on a mission in months... Besides to planet 87. 

"Kyran. Why didn't you talk to me first." He asked. I sighed and looked down. "Noah may have been dying but, you could have asked me first." He added. 

"He wanted me specifically. How was I supposed to say 'I can't unless i have permission from my father'. Dad you would have never let me. You're to scared about whether or not I am gonna disappear because you want Aeráki to take over the throne. I want that too dad! I don't care about that huge responsibility. He asked me, I accepted because he was basically begging me." I responded. He sighed and sat down. 

"End can you give us a minute? Just stand outside the room." Dad sighed and as soon as he was out the door I whimpered from the amount of pain I was feeling. 

"Kyran, taking over a planet and then fixing everything in one go could have killed you. Especially after over exerting yourself to heal your brother and his friends. I'm just worried." He responded. 

"Dad. Remember, every mission I go on, I always come back safe. Even with plans not discussed with you. Everyone is always safe and I get the mission done. Just think of it like that." I told him. He sighed and nodded. 

"You and End better get to know each other then." Dad smirked and I went still. I forgot! End and I barely know each other, and how would the Army react? How would Aeráki react? Or Nýchta and Aéras! "Calm down Kyran. I will talk to them, and you better think of a code name, you and End just got added to the mission." I sighed as I got up and walked out. End was there, where I could see him and I smirked. 

"Did you hear anything said?" I asked, he smirked and nodded. I sighed and suddenly got lost in thought. "What will happen after the mission?" I asked him. "What should I really know about mates?" I asked as we began walking down the hallway.

"KYRAN!" I heard Nýchta scream and I sighed. I grabbed End and teleported away, and by away I mean to Planet 87. Home. 

"What was that about?" He asked laughing. I smirked and led him to my study, aka room. 

"We need to talk, where we won't get interrupted." I told him as I led him to the living room area.

"What would you like to know?" He asked me and I sighed, not really expecting that question.

"Well... I don't know." I told him. He chuckled and motioned to see my book. I handed it to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and let me lean against him, opening to a chapter I didn't get to yet.

"Mates are rare and usually in pairs of two, but it has had mates of three. Sometimes, most usually with the dominant being over protective, the submissive is able to tell when their mate is scared and will have the urge to calm them down. When Submissive's are scared the Dominate enters a 'mode' that is seen as a protective urge and will get in front of their mate and defend them. Should they be apart during this time, the Dominate will become very aggravated and the Submissive will become defensive, ending with the offender dead or seriously injured." End explained, I snorted as I thought about the very few times I've been scared, all involving my brother being hurt or nearly killed.

"With how often Aeráki has nearly been killed, I'm surprised you haven't hunted me down." I explained as he looked at me confused. "Oh, I have a question! What about the mating season section. I was extremely confused by it." I added. 

"During mating season, you'll become needy and wanting me near you at all times. Some cases it leads to sex. But with how long I've known you, and I have known you were my mate for awhile, you are pretty independent so I don't know how mating season will be like for you." He responded and I nodded, taking that in. 

"What's a mating mark?" I asked him and he froze. "It was mentioned in the section." I added as he looked at me confused. 

"Mating Mark's are given to the submissive on the nape of their neck and on the side of the neck right here," He showed me, right above my collar bone. "It's given during the mating season. When the Submissive goes into a heat during the Mating Season they become horny and their mate is to help them, whether that means cuddles or sex. Both things can be used as options for giving the mark." He explained. "And before you ask, you'll go through a mating season before the huge mission Chaos mentioned." I nodded and curled into him a bit more.

"I'm tired." I murmured and he smiled at me. He picked me up and brought me to my room and laid me down, before he could pull away, I grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed and cuddled against him.

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