4. Enemy of No One

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Chapter Four: Enemy of No One.

I sighed as I woke up and I looked around. My room was beautiful. Taking time to actually look around, I found that the bed frame is Dark Obsidian and the walls were the galaxy, but darker tones, like the Throne Room floor.

The floor is carpeted and the window that I missed had black curtains draped from it. I went to the window and opened it. Outside my window was a garden and I smiled as I saw a lot of my favorite flowers from different worlds.

I walked to the bathroom and saw the mirror was outlined with Adamantine and had not a single flaw. The tub was huge and I smiled, this will be awesome. Running the tub it filled up quickly and I stripped for a bath. Intense training, and a lot of sleep will make me break out and I kind of don't want that.

I sighed as the warm water relaxed me and I saw my favorite scented shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Sweet! My favorite scent is the morning after a rain shower or thunderstorm. When the air is fresh and the ground has been 'cleaned'. I love it!

I quickly finished my bath and got out, draining the tub, I realized I had no clothes. But, I became curious. Wrapped in a black towel I walked out to my room and opened the closet on the other side of my bed and found clothes that were my style and clothes that were in between and clothes of royalty.

Deciding on the in between I put on black boxers, black jeans, and a black almost skin tight shirt. I decided on tennis shoes to wear as I am still a teenager, I put on black socks and my grey to white shoes. Smiling, I went back to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, dried my hair and then brushed my untamable hair.

I smiled at myself, nodded and then walked out so I could explore the rest of my "room", if you could call it that. It was more like an apartment.

First I went to my study. I might as well check it out as I might spend a lot of time there it seems. Walking in, it was like walking into space. The walls were black with stars and planets everywhere that was actually moving and it was the real thing. That means I could check on planets since I am an Elite. Walking up to a planet to test my theory I clicked on Void and I saw my twin talking to my dad.

"Dad? Percy?" I called out. They spun around and saw me in my study. Their eyes brightened, that means Perce got his memories back already. That means so did Luke.

"Ky!" Percy exclaimed and ran up to the projection. "You're a king on planet 87 now. That's awesome!" He added. I smiled and shrugged and then broke into laughter at his disbelief face.

"Come on. I needed to play around a bit. I come home in three days. Then I'll leave part of my consciousness here and then I can join my Elite team." I explained to him. He nodded and smiled at me.

"Well, dad had an idea that could help you stay there most of the time." Percy explained. I looked to Dad and he stepped forward.

"You would stay there and Percy would lead it, along with having his own Elite team. Your brothers would be a part of it as well. And on important missions that involve our main threat you would go on." Dad explained. I nodded as I took the information in throuerouly.

"So... I'd basically just have to worry about my Kingdom?" I asked dad. He nodded and I sighed. Damn, now I know how dad feels. "Okay. But I'll have to talk to my Elite. I'll do that when I come home for a week." I explained to dad and he nodded.

"Be safe Kyran. End might now know of that planet, but as soon as he does he will target it." Dad explained. "If you want, I could place a protection on the planet and you wouldn't have to worry about End finding it, but there is always a possibility." Dad added.

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