3. King of Planet 87

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Chapter Three: King of Planet 87

I looked up in shock, as I'm assuming Marcus and Landon did too. Was this that serious? That he had to pass his throne to people who save planets?

"Kyran, calm down. I have my reasonings and I assume you have yours, but if not one of you, all three of you." King Noah added and I almost collapsed in shock. I have grown fond of him through the letters he has sent me. He had one time told me I was like a son to him.

"Are you sure, Your Majesty?" Landon asked cautiously. Landon is someone, that if someone of higher power shows respect until they don't deserve it. Marcus is the opposite. He doesn't show respect until they deserve it. I am wishy washy as I am neither yet both.

"I am sure. I have seen your work, you change people for the better and I respect that. I want you three to become kings here. I know of your ability to leave part of you here to lead the world here while you save the other worlds." He explained. I kneeled so I didn't collapse and he smiled at me. My eyes wide I almost started crying because I realized he was dying.

"Okay." I answered him. He smiled at me, knowing I figured it out. "I accept." I added and I felt Landon and Marcus's eyes land on me in shock.

"Very good. I will transfer my power to you, which means you can fly up here now." He chuckled at the end, which caused me to chuckle slightly as well.

"Kyran, are you sure? You just got your brothers back, are you sure you can handle all of the responsibility?" Landon asked me in alarm. King Noah smiled at me as I nodded.

"I will be fine. Remember, I can split consciousness." I replied. They nodded and stepped back away from me as I stood up.

"Landon, Marcus please step outside the throne room." King Noah asked them and they nodded and they walked out. When the Throne Room doors shut, King Noah walked to me and placed his hand on my forehead and began chanting in Latin.

"Ego Rex Noah, bus meis, titulo, et de regno ad Prince Kyran in universum de victoria et spes diuturnitas accepit. Promitto semper tibi in vitam. May prosperatur bene pax vestra sub regula. (I, King Noah, Transfer my power, title, and kingdom over to Prince Kyran of the universe in hopes of success and long life. I promise to always guide you, even in the after life. May peace prosper under your rule.)" He chanted. I felt power flow through me, and He aged a bit more.

"I promise to bring peace and to help this world prosper." I whispered to him. He smiled at me as he began to fade. His gentle smile and kind eyes were the last to fade and I broke out crying after he completely faded. He was gone.

Landon and Marcus came running in and hugged me as they knew of the letters. I curled up and cried in Marcus's arms as Landon rubbed my back. Everyone on this planet knows the title was transferred and they are always notified on who it was passed to. So I know my duties won't start until next week while I change things that need to be changed.

"I'm fine." I whispered as I stood up. "You guys should head home, I'll be there next week while I get things situated here." I told them. Marcus and Landon sighed but nodded. They walked out as I looked around.

On planet 87, very little color was ever used but they have all of the colors. So the first thing I need to do is add more color to the world.

"Your Majesty, what would you like to do?" One of the guards, Elijah, asked me as he came in. How I knew this, I don't know. It must be the power or abilities passed to me. But I now knew every guard's name.

"Add color. Am I able to remodel this place?" I asked him. He smiled at me and nodded. He smiled kindly at me, and I smiled back.

"You are in charge now. You can do whatever you like." He replied. I nodded as I looked around, imagining what the Throne Room should look like.

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