Sweets and dreams

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There was something in the way the moon shined that night. It seemed almost surreal. The shine was intense it almost looked like a pale blue it was nothing like the the familiar night sky. There was also something in the way that the world was silent that night as well, there were no sounds, no distant buzzing of animals or late night travelers. No cars, no distant shouting. It was silent. Was everything sleeping? Had everyone gone home for the day? What could be the cause of this unsettling silence, this pale blue night. It was as if someone had forgotten to write the script for the people, write the setting. Everything seemed so empty, so lost. And it was almost like time was not there either. The moon sat in the same spot. Never changing never setting to make room for the shining sun. It almost seemed like there was an eternal night. That time had passed on that single moment. What could have been the cause? What could have been....

Serenity sat up in an unfamiliar living room. She felt herself gasping and pulling on her chest as if it were impossible for her to breathe. When she caught her breath she found herself panicking about where she is.

The house was cold, that might have been due to the cracks in the ceiling and walls, the busted window also allowed for the cool night breeze to sneak in. There was also a deep musty smell that was thick in the air, it smelt like a dirty basement. The room she was in was the living room, it was mostly empty besides for the couch that sat in the middle of the room. It was matted and damp, but it was enough to keep her off of the floor.

Serenity hoisted herself off of that dusty couch, groaning as she hasn't been on any pain medication for the past day. She hasn't eaten, she hasn't been awake. She put her hand on the arm of the couch to keep her stable but she felt her sight begin to blur. She didn't speak, but she didn't have to. The pain she was feeling and the confusion she couldn't fully put to words in her head was all over her face. It was a strange sight, the girl was usually full of curiosity, always getting herself in trouble, always getting in the way. After standing there for what seemed like hours, she took her first few steps away from the couch, the floor boards creaked and groaned with age as she placed her full weight on the old boards. She visibly flinched as it was the first sound she has heard since she has woken up. The first real sound in the otherwise seemingly soundless world.

Seemingly soundless.

But the creaking of the floorboards.

Seemingly soundless.

It goes back to silence after the first two steps, the sound fades and then it goes silent. There are no other sounds. No creaking floorboards. No animals. No cars. No voices.

Serenity could feel the uneasiness of the silent world. She could tell that there was something off, but she just didn't know it yet. She just couldn't tell it was silent yet. She heard the creaking, but now she must never know the sound again. She had to know it's silence. It's silence was how this world was.
There was something in the way that she stood there, her head low, her face filled with intense feelings. She tried to hide them, even now that she was completely alone she tried to hide them. Could it be that she was afraid? What was she afraid of? It took too long for her to start moving again, but when she did the floors no longer creaked under her weight. And the true silence of this world finally fell upon her.

When she noticed it, she rubbed her ears, to her she thought that it was nothing serious, and so she began to walk around the house in an unsuspecting way. The rest of the house was just about as run down and torn apart as the living room, and she honestly had no idea how she wound up there. But she decided to leave the questions alone for now. After all, she was alone. And so she let her mind wander a bit, her questions danced in her mind. Never once speaking out into existence. After all, who would be there to give her the answers. Nobody, she was alone.

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