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Elara wakes up on dry ground.

The soft touches of a warm breeze brush over her body, and she can't help but almost drift off once again to the soothing feeling. Despite that, she forces herself to open her eyes and begins to examine her surroundings.

The grass of the field is a paled yellow, and the sun kisses her dark skin. The breeze brushes her curls from her face as she can see a few animals grazing in a distance. The entire setting is far too peaceful to be real, but she doesn't think too much of it.

I'm alive. She almost sobs in relief. She will never take her beating heart for granted; that was by far the worst experience she's ever had.

But how?

Before she can fully recollect herself, a glint of gold catches the corner of her eye, and she tilts her head to see what it was. Her heart freezes once she realizes who it was.

"Mother?" She croaks, eyes widening at the standing figure. The figure isn't too far from her; she would've assumed it all to be an illusion.

The woman's back is facing her, and her flowing orange dress loosely curls around her body. The same beautiful bronze skin she remembers reflects in the gleaming suns of Aevum. Her thick hair is braided into a crown-like style, and golden jewelry adorns her body and the surrounding grass—some of which being stained with dried blood. Alarms start to set off in Elara's mind. Something is wrong

She knows exactly what happened in that forest. Her final attempt to save Perseus, to the strong entity drawing her into its clutches, the pain...

Oh dear Chaos, the pain.

With shaky feet, Elara stands and stumbles towards the woman.

Am I dead? Why am I here? She thinks. Other than the shakiness in her body, she couldn't find any cuts or burns along her skin. He eyes remain on the standing figure in a growing grief; as much as she wants to run and embrace her mother until time ends, she knows it is not the right move to act upon.

Her mother has been dead for three years.

Elara now stands directly behind her and gently shakes her shoulder. When there is no response, she starts to worry even more. "Mother?"

Her mother's dark chocolate eyes flicker to her before returning to whatever she is staring at. The golden-eyed commander finally directs her attention to where she is referring to, and notices what the issue was.


In a not too far distance, the city of Imia glistens beautifully before them. Buildings huddle together comfortingly as skyscrapers tower proudly over them, guiding one's sight to the heaven's above.

But it was burning.

The buildings of what she once called her home crumble like blackened sand castles, some of which spilling with smoke and distant screams. The smell of blood is suddenly too prominent for her.

This is her people, the occupants of what she is sworn to protect. Those very same innocents are now dying mercilessly before her.

And she can't do anything about it.

Her breath hitches as she turns herself fully towards the sight. Her heart starting to beat frantically in her chest as her eyes fill with pain and shock.

A Moment of Stars | PJO ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now