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Sally gasps awake.

It's the fourth night in a row it's happened, but the dream is still just as vivid as the first.

She's confused, she grieving. One day they're saying her son is dead, and the next they have no idea who he is. Things only seem to get more confusing the more she tries to make sense of it all.

The dream starts with her running, holding a bundle of blankets and children's toys in her arms. She cannot look back, but she knows that whatever is pursuing her is nothing but pure malice. The faster she tries to run, the more toys and blankets she drops. Eventually, she is left with nothing more than a blue baby's rattle.

The same rattle Percy had as a baby.

What does it mean? Is she helplessly losing her one and only child to a greater evil? The thought itself makes her sit up on the bed and head to her office to clear her worrying thoughts(being careful to not wake Paul up).

Something is not right, but she can't seem to find out what. It's almost as if he disappeared from the face of the planet.

And knowing him, she wouldn't be all that surprised if he did.

She heaves a tired breath, sitting herself in her office chair. Papers and drafts for the next novel she's planning are staggered about the room. The smell of chocolate and licorice also wafts through the space. Despite no longer working at Sweet on America for years now, she can't seem to shake the smell for some reason.

It wasn't that she minded though, Percy loved it. It reminded them both when life was so much more simple.

She sits in silence, wondering what life would have been if Percy was just a normal kid.

She doesn't regret having Percy. Not in the least bit. She loves him with all of her being and wants the absolute best for him.

Though part of her wishes she could give him a normal life. No monsters, no gods, no constant warning of death...

The back of her eyes burn with tears as guilt slowly consumes her. Is this her fault? Could things have ended differently if she didn't make the decisions she did in her youth?

Each time she watches Percy crack underneath the pressure, all she wants is to help, but being a complete mortal can only do so much. If only she could have done more...

Something metallic suddenly glints in the corner of her desk, jolting her out of her wandering thoughts. She frowns, curiosity taking her over as she lifts the piles to see what caught her eye.

Underneath the sheets of paper lies a worn, golden letter she's never seen before.


"Percy! I swear to gods—"

Percy laughs as Annabeth grumbles and tries to fix her ruffled hair in his peripheral. The Greek festival at Columbia University just ended, and they were driving back to Mom and Paul's apartment.

It's been a while since him and Annabeth went out on their own due to all of the new changes happening at camp, so it was a nice change of scenery to relax together.

"Sally and Paul are going to love these though." Annabeth says, lifting a takeout box filled with traditional baklava, gyros, and souvlakia. Percy nods in agreement; the food there was definitely demigod-approved.

"Yeah," Percy stops at a red light and leans back slightly. It's nighttime now, and the lights of this section of the city shine in every direction possible. A small grin adorns his face. "As a matter of fact, I think I should try some more to make sure it's alrig—". Before his hand even makes its way to the box, Annabeth slapped his wrist away with a small glare.

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