Chapter 13

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Sarah and I stayed at the back of the legion of coiffured girls. It was intriguing to watch their formation and display tactics. The girls had clearly engineered a grand entrance, spraying the double doors open their routine began, reminiscent of the end of a fashion show, the girls walked in pairs firstly forward about half a dozen steps and then separated both going in opposite directions, until there was a whole string of them. I was waiting for the old 70's hit 'Here come the girls' to start playing and giggled to myself. With their best catwalk pose and girls waited for the room to focus on them, to ensure every head in the room was turned to them there was lots of hair tossing and loud laughing. I smiled to myself wondering when and where they'd practiced this performance; Sarah just grimaced at the spectacle.

"I need a drink" I announced and dragging Sarah with me walked between the display and straight for the bar. "We'll have two very large glasses of white please" I informed the girl behind the bar. Taking a huge gulp from mine as I handed the other to Sarah I called the girl back over and asked for a repeat order. It struck me Wrexham made me need to consume unhealthy quantities of alcohol. I wasn't normally a heavy drinkers and yet I'd only been here a few hours and already I was wondering if I had a problem.

"Thirsty?" I recognised Daniels voice.

"No I needed it to numb the pain of that entrance" I said honestly.

"And there was I looking for you in the centre, what kind of girl are you?" He asked teasingly.

"I guess my priorities are just screwed up" and with that I finished my first glass.

We joined the rest of our group, I sat in-between James and Mark, but made Mark shift over so Sarah could squeeze in.

"So Mark" I said leaning over Sarah, "I was just telling Sarah how amazing she looked, don't you agree?"

"Erm yeah, she looks great" he replied slightly puzzled. She shot me a mortified glare, I smiled smugly back to her. For the next twenty minutes or so we chatted about our Christmas plans, then hearing the first few notes of one of Katie's favourite songs I waited for her inevitable hand to grab mine and pull me to the dance floor. She didn't disappoint, I did however warn her to behave after what happened last time I was going for prude not crude. Several of the others joined us and we twirled and swirled our way through at least a dozen songs. Gasping for a drink I escaped to the bar.

"Well that was a little disappointing" I heard Daniels amused tone coming from behind me, I ignored his comment, "I thought we'd get another floor show" he continued smugly.

"Yeah I decided for James's sake it was better to keep it PG"

"Well if you change your mind I'm sure you'd have other offers to act as your knight in shining armour" he countered.

"Think Marks a bit busy at the moment" I said nodding my head in the direction of him and Sarah.

"I wasn't talking about Mark" his tone had lost its humour, his emerald eyes bore into mine, I couldn't quite decide if I was intimidated or euphoric. "If you're ever stuck I'd be happy to stand in for James" I felt my cheeks burn and prayed the lights were dim enough to hide my blush. Still I couldn't pull myself away from his gaze, his stare transfixed me, drew me to him; he stepped closer into me so we were only inches away from each other. I breathed in his just showered scent and swallowed hard. Keeping his eyes fixed on mine he lowered his head reaching closer so our faces were almost touching, I watched him open his lips slightly and...

"Well hello again Alex" we sprung apart and I looked around guiltily, "Looks like you can't stay away" it took me a while to realise Greg was talking to me.

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