Chapter 2

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It was 7:10, Katie had said be ready for 7:00 I knew there was no way she'd be here on time. It was 5 when we got back from the supermarket and Katie always took ages to get ready. I'd taken my time getting ready; I'd changed my clothes twice before I had finally decided to wear what I had originally put on, my favourite pair of blue jeans, a black vest top with a little black cardigan over it, it was November after all and I didn't want to catch my death. I remembered the information leaflet Katie had left on the desk, it was pretty standard stuff, the library was open 9 till 9 Monday to Friday, 9 till 5 Saturday and 10 till 4 Sunday. The pool and sports facilities opened at seven but closed at the same time as the library, presumably to encourage the students to use the amenities before class. Katie knew I had always been an early bird and I knew Katie hated mornings, it was kind of her to remember I'd need something to do in the mornings whilst she slept through till lunch.

I glanced at my watch, it was 7:15 and still no Katie, I'd give her five more minutes then I was going to the kitchen to make a start on one of the bottles of wine I'd bought from the supermarket. The plan for the evening was drinks in the kitchen with the girls for an hour or so and a bite to eat, then over the landing to the party. With a loud bang on the door Katie announced her presence. I opened the door and she was impatiently looking at her watch,

"God I've been waiting ages for you" she joked, she knew how much her tardiness infuriated me and was trying to diffuse my irritation.

"Come on everyone's in the kitchen, you'll love them I guarantee." Smiling slightly apprehensively I followed her down the passageway and into the kitchen, she was right all eight girls had assembled and as we entered the kitchen they all turned to look at me, each with a smile, with some looking more convincing than others. I noticed we all seemed to be wearing a uniform of sorts; every girl had jeans and a black top on, so much for being an individual. One of the girls, with one of the more genuine smiles on her face, handed me a glass of wine,

"Katie said the white was yours so I poured you a glass, hope you don't mind",

"No that's great, thanks". Glad to have something to do with my hands and somewhere to hide my face, if only for a couple of seconds within the glass I was eternally grateful to the girl. Katie introduced each to me, the girl who had given me the wine was named Sarah and she was from Sheffield, I'd quickly drank my first glass and returned with another for myself and one for Sarah, we chatted easily about what we were studying, musical tastes and the abundance of good looking male students. After a couple of initial curious glances the girls settled back into their conversations and their interest in me obviously waned. One of the girls took a couple of pizzas out of the oven; she sliced them and put them onto two plates, which she placed onto the table.

By the time the pizza had been demolished the alcohol was flowing freely, the more we all drunk the friendlier they seemed to become. Naomi had been talking to Katie and me for most of dinner,

"So, what do you think of us all?" she asked,

"Katie was right, she had told me you were all really nice and I have to admit you've all made me feel very welcome." I answered honestly.

"That's great, the girls can be a bit funny sometimes, a bit edgy about competition, but Katie's told us all about you, all about your moral convictions, you know."

I choked on my wine, coughing and spluttering all over Katie and Naomi, "What! Katie what have you been saying about me?" I spat furiously.

"Nothing but the truth, I told them how terrific you are, how great...", but I cut her off I didn't want to hear her flannel I just needed to know exactly what she'd told them about me,

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