19. Disappearance for the Reckoning

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(Y/N) (L/N), 19
Ability: A Mourning Cry

Dazai Osamu, 18
Ability: No Longer Human

Oda Sakunosuke, 23
Ability: Flawless

Ango Sakaguchi, 22
Ability: Discourse on Decadance


I felt myself walking to the usual pub, Lupin. There was a feeling inside of me, something that was calling me there. It was around 11 o'clock in the evening. I opened the door, putting my coat on the coat rack and headed down the stairs. My eyes looked up to see two familiar figures, a young man and the bartender, a young lady.

" Hey, Odasaku," the man said, his fingers flicking the brim of the class. His name was Dazai Osamu, the most feared out of all of the Port Mafia. At such a young age, his accomplishments surpassed several achievements of even the most prestigious of the syndicate. There's a saying in the mafia: " The worst thing about being Dazai's enemy, is that you're Dazai's enemy."

I took my seat next to him. " It's nice to see you, Odasaku.," the barkeep rang, placing a glass down in front of me. (Y/N) (L/N), a sub executive with the Port Mafia, with bartending as a side job. She's Dazai's lover, often the two are the gossip around the mafia, seen exchanging little bits of affection in the hallways and sitting by the port, looking out into the sea. Although she hadn't seemed to be enough for such a higher up, this wasn't her first mafia job.

" Nice to see you as well," I responded, putting the glass to my lips," I felt like something was calling me to be here tonight." Silence surrounded the three of us before Dazai broke it," Odasaku, success if harder to achieve than failure. Don't you agree?" " That's true," I answered. He suddenly lit up, placing his face on top of his hand," That's why I should attempt suicide and fail, rather than succeed! It's so much easier, ey?"

A slap was received to his head from (Y/N), she huffed turning around and placing a glass down on a shelf. " Belladonna~," he whined, rubbing his head," I didn't mean to say that I'll do anything bad!" The girl scoffed," Any kind of suicide is horrible, idiot! I'm just worried about you, ya know?" 

" You should've called him out too, Odasaku."

Ango Sakaguchi, an intelligence officer with the Port Mafia. He worked on the sidelines, yet he probably knew the most valuable and confidential information. " You too, (Y/N).," Ango joked, taking a seat on the other side of Dazai," You're both too soft on him. (Y/N) you should start lecturing him instead of whacking him in the head for every other word he mentions about slamming a hammer into his face."

(Y/N) giggle, waving a cleaning towel at him," Ya, ya... ok." " Ah Ango~," Dazai sung," It's been a while. Looking spiffy!" " I wouldn't exactly call this 'looking spiffy'. I just took a day trip from Tokyo and back. I'm exhausted.," Ango sighed," (Y/N), the usual, if you would." She placed down a glass with the usual golden liquid. Her ability allowed her to manipulate water, circling the ice into a perfect circle which jostled around the brim.

" Lucky~," the brunette whined," I want to go hang out in Tokyo, too... (Y/N), my dear~, more canned crab please." Let's be honest here... his duality is horrifyingly unsettling. In one moment, he'll be the cold-stoned executive with a gun to someones head. Then in one second, he's like puddy in (Y/N)'s hands, listening to her every word like a loyal dog. She placed another can in front of his small pile.

" 'Hang out'? If you ask me, not everyone has all the time to kill like you, Dazai. I actually worked today." " I feel like all of life is just killing time until we're dead. Anyways, what kind of work?," Dazai replied, a slice of crab in his hand.

" Fishing."
" Oh nice! Catch anything?," (Y/N) chimed in. " Not really," Ango sighed," If anything, it was a real waste. Nothing more than just cheap things you could find in a night market." Fishing is a code word for purchasing smuggled items. Usually these we're illegal weapons or other articles made abroad, on occasion art and jewelry as well.

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