Chapter 1

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I walk up the stairs to Matthews apartment. After being convinced that I shouldn't send presents this year. I decide to come to Matthews household for the first time since they've moved here.

I have a duffel bag on my back of some quick presents I'll drop off then go.

I open the door and Cory has his back towards me. I see Riley, Panga, and Maya. I put a finger over my mouth telling them not to say anything.

I sneak up behind Cory and on my tippy toes yell "BOO!!"

Cory yells "AH" and hides behind Topanga. After a few seconds he peeks his head out ad sees me. He narrows his eyes and says "You!"

I flip my braids "Yes me I know."

"Your worst then the devil's spawn."

I smile and tilt my head innocently "Oh never me. I'm just a cute ray of sunshine."

He keeps glaring at me while I turn my attention to Topanga. "Hi Panga! As per you guy's request."

Cory gasped and looked at his wife shocked. He pointed at me and said "You wanted that here?"

Topanga smacks his arm and I gasped "You hurt me Core. You didn't me here."

He shock his head and said a rapid "No. Oh no."

I shrug my shoulders. "I wanted you to have brain. We don't always get what we want."

He gasped.

I walk towards the girls.

Riley opens her arms and squeezes me. "RAY!"

I wait a second before saying "Riles, sweetheart. You have approximately less then 10 seconds before I punch you."

Riley lets go quickly and smiles. 

Maya looks at me and says "So your not just a voice on a phone."

"That I am not Ms.Hart."

Topanga has been more frequently calling me for almost two years now. When that began even though she didn't get a lot of me Riley began to talk to me. Claiming she remembered me because she didn't want to be rude. I knew she didn't and told her it was fine since she was just three. A month later she saw a picture of us and wanted to talk to me more so, once Topanga badgered me and got nothing, Riley would speak to me. After it became her thing, her bestfriend may wanted to talk to the "voice" as she would call me. It was a brief hello but she reminds me of myself in some ways. There have been times where she told me things and how she feels. 

Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know.  

Either way I know a lot about Ms.Hart she's like a little sister to me.

Maya looks away.

I stare at her before staring at Riley and saying "I brought gifts."

Riley smiles with a weird face "Gifts!"

I shake me head and pull my pack to the front. I pull out a wrapped gift for, I go to Topanga nd give her one.

I hand Cory his gift.

He stops glaring at me and looks surprised and happy. "I got a gift!!!." He pull the top off the box and gets flour all over his face.

I chuckle and laugh. 

I had to play little prank on him. In Topanga's gift includes Cory's gift as well but he would figure that out later.

Maya laughs. Topanga shakes her head smiling and says "Oh Cory."

Riley says "Daddy."

Cory squints his eyes at me and says "YOU!"

I smile and say "You got a little something there."

He comes towards me and I growl while glaring at him.

He says "AH" and hides behind Topanga.

I turn towards the girls and walk up to Maya. I pull out a gift for her that's medium-sized. She's shocked and says "You got me a gift." with bits of vulnerability.

"Of course Ms.Hart."

She takes the gift slowly and there's a moment of silence

 "Now if I'm correct there's a Bay Window I need to speak to y'all in."

Riley squeals the way and I follow her to her room.


Riley left me to sit alone with Maya after chatting. 

I feel a little uncomfortable but shrug the feeling off and say "You can open your present if you want to."

Maya looks at me before taking the top off the gift. She pulls out a cute formal dress. She looks at me weirdly. 

"A dress."

"A pretty dress for a pretty girl. Plus why not add more clothes to that closet of yours. Wear it to your birthday, a dance, or just for fun. Anyways there's more."

She continues to carefully take out the dress and reveals a box of basic standard art supplies. Maya says "You got me the paint and pencils I was thinking of getting."

Shrug my shoulders "I need my favorite secret artist to continue with her work. Who knows, maybe you'll get me something when your big and famous."

She looks at me before smiling. "Thank you."

"Your welcome sweetheart. Now according to Riley I have to sit here another few minutes with you. So what's going on?"

She shrugs her shoulders "Just spending Christmas with the Matthews family."

I tilt my head and raise my eyebrow. "You know you remind me of myself a little."

She says sarcastically "Oh really."

I roll my eyes and get up go "Yes you do. And your part of their family. You and Riley have been attached for how many years now. And Maya"

She look at me and said yes "I am listening to you. Feel free to call."

With that I turn around and open the door. I walk out down the stairs. 

Cory has cleaned his face and is smiling.

 "What's up you showing so much teeth?"

Cory holds up a mug I got him that says 'Cory is great' and smiles wider.

I roll my eyes.

Topanga comes next to him and drinks some tea from her mug that says "Panga is greater."

Cory looks out her mug and has his mouth wide open. He's about to say something but then Topana looks at him daring him to say something.

He realizes who his wife is and says "Beautiful, beautiful mugs."

Topanga shakes her head. "We love them."

"Welp alas I must leave."

Topanga frowns "You just got here. Don't you wanna see everyone else? Eat? Oh and Josh is coming. You haven't seen him since you were kids."

I shrug my shoulders "Duties call. Everyone will be fine without me. Josh probably doesn't even remember me, it's been over 10 years. Bye guys!"

I turn and walk out of the Matthews home. 

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