Chapter 9

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😭😭Y'all did that challenge quick. Anyways, as promised here's the double upload for the week and it's extra long.


I sit in the chill area on campus as the girls and bus walk in.

Both of the girls say "Hey Ray"

Luke waves.

Drew slides next to me and says "Hello sweet thing."


Drew looks at me a second before sliding away "Wait I'm still mad at you for almost breaking my baby maker."

"Give me my personal space and next time you won't have to worry."

Jasmine sits next to me and says "You missed the fun though."

I look at her and shrug my shoulders "I'm sure you and Cyhthy will tell me all the details anyways so what's the point."

She rolls her eyes.

I smirk "I'm right though."

"But you should have seen it. Drew got horribly turned down by an older girl and Luke had a little kid how had a crush on him. Josh had a little admirer too."

I glance at Josh before looking back to the girls "Oh really."

Cynthy says "It was the waitress."

"So is there a date in the future." Then sip my drink.

Luke shrugs his shoulders and says "Maybe, seems like your husband might be getting a mistress."

My eyes travel to Josh "I guess so."

Cynthy says "He could do better though. I feel like she's a little annoying and didn't give the best service."

Jasmine sighs and says "I'm telling you, you should have been their Ray."


Very brief depressive episode (the next bold letters In caps is where you can begin reading again but once again this episode is very brief and doesn't go in-depth)


I drop my bookbag on the couch and walk mindlessly through my apartment. I open the fridge and pull out a bottle of water instead of the food that I probably need. I drown the water bottle down and look down at the counter.

Images flash through my eyes and old thoughts resurface.

Why is this happening again? This is always happening again

I open a cabinet and look for an ibuprofen bottle. Once I find it, I quickly open it and take two blue pills. I'm screwing the top back on when I really look at the bottle


I squeeze the bottle harder.

Should I-

I threw the bottle at the wall before running my hands through my hair.

I go to my bag and pull out my laptop and try to finish some work to busy my mind.

After an hour I still feel numb but down. Not being able to focus on work anymore I shut the laptop a little too hard.

I set my laptop on the coffee table and look down.


From my peripheral, I see the bottle of pills.

I close my eyes and shake a little.

I open my eyes and see flashes.

I quickly close my eyes and shake all over.

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