Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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Me and Josh are on good terms.

I think.

He still has lingering stares and there are a lot more awkward moments these days. You also have him claiming to play the long game. Although besides that we are cool. I annoy him and he does the same to me. He eats all my food though, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm his complicated wife and best friend so I think all is normal.

I'm walking to the Matthews place to sleep over for the night. It's family night as a special pre-celebration for Josh's birthday tomorrow.

Which in theory proves Maya's point because instead of spending the night by himself or with his college friends, he spends it with family.

Deciding not to be alone on that day I took up on the invite to come. Funny how Josh's birthday falls on Valentine.

Guess he is a love baby.

I walk into the apartment without announcing my presence "I have arrived."

Auggie is the first to greet me as he runs up and jumps up on me. I hug and mess up his hair "Hey squirt.

I place him down and see Cory looking at me.

I say "What?"

Riley says "Ray!" and attempts to run up to me like Auggie.

I side step and she runs into the walls. She groans "UhfcGJDKDgn" and falls to the ground.

I look at her before shrugging my shoulders and looking back at Cory "So Core did you miss me."

He opens his mouth wide and closes it. He looks at me and points "YOU! You broke my daughter."

I shrug my shoulders "I'll take that as a no. Give her a few minutes and she'll be fine. Now where is Ms.Hart?"

Core gives this face before attempting to say "She's......she's-"

Suddenly Josh comes in the room with Maya on his back who's yelling "It's almost Boing's Birthday. It's on the day of love. Which means he loves me. L-O-V-E."

My eyes widen a little and then I shake my head smirking.

"L is for the look he gives me when-"

Josh drops and shakes Maya off onto the couch.

I chuckle which draws Josh's attention. I look at Maya "I see you're moving on to younger lovers now."

He shakes his head and groans.

Maya stands up and looks at me "I don't know what to tell you, he moved on to the better little sister." then flips her hair dramatically.

I shake my head chuckling before freezing.


Maya freezes too.

I look at her and she looks at me.


Riley suddenly is up and says "IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY BAY WINDOW NOW!"

I was very resistant.

But Riley definitely has some type of Topanga in her cause the strength she has when she wants something caught me over guard.

So now I am in Riley's Bay Window with Maya and she has some how managed to lock us in.

So there is no escaping this.

I breathe and look Maya in the eye "I not your older sister Maya."

She looks away and clenches her teeth "I know that. I didn't mean to say that out loud."

I tilt my head and say "But you did and you meant something by it."

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