Chapter 2

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I am putting away things in storage when my phone rings. I look at the Caller Id and smirk. I answer the phone and place it between my ears and shoulders while I work.

I speak into the phone "I see you got your present."

"Y-you got me a new phone."

"Yes, I am aware. Unless I sent you the wrong thing and you got a smoke bomb. That would be meant for Cory."


"Why not. I don't mind spending a little money."

"Thank you. I guess my mom-"

"Oh I forgot to tell you that it's on my plan so no extra expenses on your mom. Enjoy the unlimited celular data."

"You would do that."

"Like I said I don't mind spending some extra money. Consider it an early birthday present, it's tomorrow after all."


"Oh well send pictures. Even if you don't I have already let Matthews family know I want some."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Why wouldn't I Maya? Did I make you cry? Please don't cry"

There a few minutes of silence before Maya says "Thank you."

"Your welcome sweetheart. Oh I might be talking ti that dear Mother of yours."


"I just might and I just might not. ANyways isn't a little late for you to be up?"

"Not really."

"Well it's almost 12. In- Well actually now. Happy Birthday Ms. Hart."


"You shold be getting your beauty rest. A big day ahead of you."

"Not really."

"Oh I think so."

"Yeah right. Bye Ray."

"Goodnight Ms.Hart"


I get to my apartment and close the door. I tiredly slump on the couch. 

I'll just sleep here tonight. 

I worked overtime this whole month. But now that I think about it, I always take extra shifts. I need the money for savings and college which I don't even know about.

I'm lucky to have this apartment at a discounted price. It's part of the emancipation Foundation me and Topanga found while I was getting emancipated.  

It was definitely a help allowing me to put more in savings and pay other expenses. They would only keep helping me a month or two after I turn 18. They would help me again if I decide to go to college but who knows if I'll qualify.

I'm turning 17 next month so I only have a little over year left to decide what I want to do.

Maybe I will go to University for music or Design. 

I can sign up for maybe Fall semester with me turning 17 and having a gap year to save up. I should look to see if I still have certain Scholarships. Maybe I can apply for more.

My phone dings and I see a picture of Maya in the dress I got her blowing out candles with her mom and a man.

I smile before I fall into sleep


A few months later

I hold the a big orange envelop in my hand. This is my respoonse from NYU as well as if I get a scholarship there.

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